Friday, July 1, 2011

Whit's Wit


My Niece has been quite a Negotiator since she was able to talk...which I believed happened as she was coming out of the womb.  As my Mother would say "if she couldn't dazzle you with her footwork, she confused you with her words."  So she was very confident when she was trying to get her Mother to allow her to just "hold" her pacifier...not use it...of course she knew she was too old to still need a pacifier...right?  Well, the conversation went something like this:

Casey:  "I just want to HOOOOLD it, Mommy!  I won't put it in my mouth!"
Mommy:  "No, Casey.  You don't need it anymore.  You are a big girl now.  You don't need to hold it."
Casey:  "But I just want to HOOOOOLD it!!"
Mommy:  "No, want to put it in your mouth."
Casey:  "I won't!  I promise!, I PROMISE!!"
Mommy:  " just want to hold it?" (Whips out scissors and cuts off the pacifier nipple and hands plastic part to Casey)  "There....hold it."

Casey:  (Insert knife cutting through her soul) "Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!"

Score one for frustrated Moms everywhere.

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