Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Help a Girl Out!

Here's a golden opportunity - YOU do the suggesting and I will do the ever-so-hard listening (it's hard to listen with my mouth always running!!!).  

My family shares one bathroom for showering (not all at one time!).  We all have razors stored in the bathtub.  I buy whatever razor I can get on sale and have a coupon for....so there is definitely no male/female distinction between them.  I'm sure you can already see my problem - no one knows whose razor is whose.  Want to make a husband mad?  Use his razor to shave your legs.  Want to make a 20 year old scream because she just 'thinks' someone has used hers?  Yeah...it's a madhouse sometimes.

So, what do we do?  I've already tried different fingernail polish colors (rubs off) and even sharpies (no good place to color in on the black razor handles).  I've already stated I refuse to buy different colors for different people. 

Any suggestions before I use these razors to do bodily harm....on something other than my legs???


  1. Would it be possible to place each razor in a particular spot assigned to each person? Or maybe use ribbon (one color for each person) and tie it to the razor. Most have a small hole some place you could tie the ribbon through. Good luck!

  2. the cheap little plastic handles are easy to manipulate. Take a pair of pliers and crimp the bottom the handle to indicate yours. Crimp the middle to indicate the 20 year olds. Use the needle nose to make various indentions in order to designate other peoples or, since your one shower is so busy each person should really carry their own shower kit. You know those little plastic baskets made for the shower? Get 'em at target, walmart, everywhere? Get one for each family member and it can hold their individual shampoo, conditioners, razors, face soap, exfoliants, bath gels, sponges, combs, razors even tooth brushes and toothpaste.
