Monday, February 28, 2011

Whit's Wit

One of the cutest kid stories ever told to me was by a co-worker.  I'd love to give her credit but I haven't seen her in oh, 25 years.  So, Kim - wherever you are - thanks for the wonderful story that I still laugh at 25 years later.

Kim walked in the kitchen and noticed her 3 year old son was unusually quiet.  She also heard whimpering coming from her trash can.  Upon further investigation, she found their puppy in the garbage.

Kim:  "Rusty!  Did you put the dog in the garbage can????"
Rusty:  "I sure did!  That SUNDAY bitch bit me!!"

Love how they pick up key words.....

Whit's Wisdom

With so many of my facebook friends joining in on the 6 Week Weight Loss Challenge started by Ronnie Hicks (which I think is such a fantastic idea, Ronnie!) I thought I would share my one and only EXERCISE tip.

Let me begin by stating that I HATE to exercise.  I think it's like your Mom telling you to eat broccoli because it is good for you.  If you tell me something is going to make me sweat, make me tired, and WORSE - make me so sore the next day I don't want to move - I'm NOT going to want to participate.  If I can disguise that exercise though (like putting fat free cheddar cheese on that broccoli) then I am much more likely to do it!  

Since I am a SAHM (stay at home mom) I do the majority of the housework.  (Who am I kidding?  I do ALL of the housework!)  An efficient housekeeper will tell you to save steps - consolidate your trips - make sure if you leave a room you take several items with you to put away.  NOT ME!  Not only am I not that great of a housekeeper - but I will take a single item from the bedroom to the kitchen, knowing full well I have 17 things that really need go in there.  And I will walk back to the bedroom, get another single item, and return it to its proper place.  And I will repeat this as many times and I can stand it.  

We moved my washer and drying to the basement.  I can only IMAGINE how many wonderful calories I am burning lugging 8 loads of laundry up and down there every day.  (ok, but almost 8!)  And I bring up the empty basket and then go back downstairs to start the load of laundry.  I waste steps and time all day long!!

Those groceries you have to bring in and put up?  Try bringing them in two bags at a time only.  Those pots and pans that belong on the bottom shelf?  Put them up one at a time.  How about those floors that need vacuuming?  Why not do it TWICE a week instead of only once?

I will admit that I am absolutely not getting the same sort of workout as if I were doing Zumba or running or lifting weights, but I guarantee you I am working my muscles, I am burning calories, and I am losing weight!  (WW Proven!!)  And I'm not suggesting you start cleaning house more (although I'm sure it would be helpful!).  My suggestion is to find something you HAVE TO DO and turn it into a workout for yourself.  Every little bit helps!!

Here is the link to Ronnie Hick's (HEAVY) weight loss challenge:

Who Knew?

I love to think I'm Tech Savvy because I use a desktop AND a laptop and can actually load audio books onto my MP3 player, but there really is so very much I don't know about technology and all that we can do in the luxury of our own homes.

Case in point - look at this cool little gadget Clark Howard shared on his website today:

Isn't this cool??  If you do a lot of online shopping, you can hook this bad boy up to your computer, slide your credit card through it and your transaction is safe and secure!  No typing your credit card information that can be potentially stolen.  This device has no memory so if it somehow falls into the wrong hands your information isn't stored on it! 

Not only is this amazing to me, but TODAY (February 28th) only, a website called 1SaleAday ( is offering it for $12.99 plus $4.99 (S&H).   No, I'm not affiliated with this company at all.  I just saw it on Clark Howard's website (here's the link - and wanted everyone to have a chance to purchase it at a reduced price. 


My Mom says she used to yell at me and my Brother "I'm going to kill  you!"  We always knew it was an empty threat. (Actually, I don't even remember it - shows how well we paid attention and probably explains why she said it!) People say things all the time that they simply do not mean.  Sometimes in the heat of the moment our crazy simply starts showing.

So when Uganda's President says he will "eat" Kizza Besigye for disputing poll results - - - should we be concerned?  According to MSNBC his direct quote was  "we will catch him and eat him like a cake."  

Perhaps he was just quoting Marie Antoinette and something got lost in translation??

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Whit's Wit

We were watching television last night and someone said "raise your hand if you have a boyfriend".  Well, I did.  My Sammi says "I do - you don't"  and I teasingly said "Yes, I do - don't I, Gary?"  His response?  "Sure you do - Ernest AND Julio (Gallo)".  Not to be outdone, Sammi chimes in "or Jim and Jack!  Jim (Beam) and Jack (Daniels)."  

And they wonder why I drink?

Whit's Wisdom

My Mom was (is!) a huge Tomboy.   She loves being outside, turning cartwheels, exploring, walking in the woods and exploring nature.

I loved to act.  I didn't care for outdoors - I am sooooo not a tomboy.  I can't do a cartwheel to save my life.

My oldest daughter took dancing....for about six months.  My youngest daughter was in drama for a couple of years.  Neither of them cared for chorus (although they both have pretty voices!)  They are both academically AMAZING - they make fantastic grades in school and actually retain knowledge!

My Mom would have loved if I'd have been an outdoors kind of girl - I would have loved it if my daughters would have been 'artsy'....and THEY will have their own children who have their own passions.

Let you children be who they are.  By all means, introduce them to your favorites, and introduce them to your NOT'll be so surprised at how much YOU enjoy learning something different through THEIR eyes and hearts.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


One of my favorite blogs to read is Couponing to Disney.  I was perusing her newsletter today and saw this: 

Have you ever heard of anyone stealing your water while you are away on vacation?  I guess I am so naive that it simply would never have crossed my mind.  Obviously if they make locks for your outside water spigot is is a very common practice!  My 85 year old neighbor was burning leaves in her ditch one day and the wind blew them onto my bushes and caught them on fire.  She had to run (yes, I said run - she was a spry old thing!) to get my water hose to put them out!  I guess it's a good thing I'm so trusting!

Since we have dogs that require daily attention our house is never really left empty for long.  I still think I might get in the habit of turning off the water to the outside spigots when I leave town, though....just in case.

Whit's Wit

I finally figured out why us Southern Girls use the phrase "Fixin' to Start" for PMS...."I'm Fixin' to Start cussin', Fixin' to eating everything in sight, Fixin' to cut your guts out, Fixin' to Start making your life hell...."

Whit's Wisdom

 It takes more time for your coffee to brew than it takes to clean out a junk drawer, wipe down the kitchen cabinets, make your bed, take out the garbage, etc. Don't just stand around waiting - fill that time with some productive activity!

Wonderings and Ponderings

I had the pleasure of seeing a couple of friends last night whom I haven't seen in 30 years.  There simply was not enough time to cover 30 years of life in a few short hours, so I finally asked each of them "What is the most amazing thing you have done?"  They both answered within thinking about it for a minute - just boom - here it is.

Luckily we got caught up discussing their adventures because I realized I had no answer for them if they were to turn the question back on me.  Oh, I'm not saying my life is boring or unworthy - it's just that I don't know what I would consider 'most amazing'.  Heck, I don't even know how I define most amazing.  Is it my biggest accomplishment?  Perhaps the most adventurous thing I have done? Is it meeting someone special?  Winning some contest?  Or is it that I just consider my life as one big amazement after another?  I simply don't know how to answer my own question.

Would you be able to answer this easily - or would you, too, have to wonder if you have even experienced your most amazing yet?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Whit's Wit

It's FAMILY FRIDAY!!  This one goes waaaaay back to when my Brother and Sister-in-Law were married.  (Luckily they are still friends so they can hurt me together.)

My SIL woke my Brother up one night screaming "WHY DID YOU JUST BITE ME?"  He looked at her in sleepy amazement, realized what had happened and, after he stopped laughing, told her: "I was dreaming I was eating a Martin's chili dog.  I took a bite and, you know how there's so much chili it falls off?  Well, I took one more QUICK bite to get it all!"  Yup - that quick bite was her ELBOW!

Next time I'll tell you about him driving his 18 wheeler (Mom's couch) in his sleep....

Whit's Wisdom

One frugal word that will help you save money:  JUNKIN'!  That's what my family has always called it anyway.  Buying second-hand clothing, furniture, appliances, gadgets and gizmos galore have saved my family thousands of dollars for three generations now. We shop at thrift & second-hand clothing stores and the occasional flea market or yard sale.

If you have small children it is absolutely the best place to purchase clothing and toys for them.  Make sure you wash everything - stuffed animals hold up fabulously in the washer (even in hot water) and a little 1/2 bleach and 1/2 water mixture will clean just about any plastic surface.  You can get fantastic deals on furniture too.  Moving into that first apartment?  Why in to world would you buy all new furniture?  My Mom used to be a buyer for a gifts store and knows all the top dollar knick-knack brands.  We have purchased gift items for pennies on the dollar.  

I guess my favorite thing about purchasing second hand is I don't feel so bad when I break it, get grease on it, lose it, etc.  If it cost me an eighth of what retail was, it's not as big of a let down.

Remember the saying:  One man's junk is another man's treasure!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


I know that John Travolta is 57 years old, and I know that he is (probably) never going to leave Kelly Preston to run away with me, and I know that he has that strange Scientology thing going on....but I DIDN'T know he wore a wig!

Yup - it appears that my man John sports a wig when out in public.  However, it doesn't appear like he has a problem going the "full monty" for hair in his new picture "From Paris with love".  Check him out here:

John, I personally think you look great with or without hair.  But, just like with the Scientology thing, I may not understand the wig but it doesn't make me love you any less.

What are you Watching?

Thursday nights are when I need to wash my hair or something....after The Big Bang Theory (CBS - 8:00 pm) that is!  BBT is a fantastic sitcom that has been awarded a three year contract - who gets a three year contract in Television??

After  I like The Office (NBC - 9:00 pm) but it seems like I can watch the reruns anytime I turn on the TV!

For my Grey's Anatomy friends, remember that it comes on tonight at 9:00 pm on ABC.

If any of you can suggest some shows for me to try out on Thursdays, please let me know. I'll try just about anything once!

Whit's Wit

Conversation between my daughter, Samantha and her friend, Leeza today:
Sammi:  "What's the difference between cherry and black cherry?"
Leeza:  "One gets pulled over more?"
I've been giggling all afternoon......  :)
Thanks to my Guest Contributors: Samantha Bookout and Leeza Hester

Whit's Wisdom

My Sheltie has to take two pills twice a day and will have to for the rest of her life.  Through trial and error (and a lot of messy peanut butter and crackers) we found that MARSHMALLOWS make an excellent pill pocket!  We simply push the pill into a marshmallow and Zoe gobbles it up!  Although we have about a 99% success rate, it is wise to keep an eye on her while she chews to make sure she doesn't surreptitiously spit it onto the floor.  I believe she has discovered that if she spits it out she gets another marshmallow.

She (and our Labrador, Jake) both love 'medicine time' so much that they will not let us accidentally forget to give her the medicine!  They will come find us and notify us quickly of our error!

We have notified our vet of this practice and she didn't see anything wrong with a couple of marshmallows a day!

Who Knew?

Cats were highly revered, respected and even worshiped in Ancient Egypt.  But did you know that, upon a feline's death, the family SHAVED their eyebrows as a sign of grief?

Now I have to wonder every time I pluck my eyebrows if I'm shortening a cat's life? 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


A 16-year-old Arlington Heights boy told police he poisoned and killed three fish because he “didn’t want to leave any witnesses,” according to Arlington Heights police.

The boy is charged with burglary and cruelty to animals.  It appears that he killed them by adding hot sauce, mustard, ketchup and spices to the fish tank.  If I were his lawyer I would try to get the charges lowered to "improper seasoning" and call it a day. 

Whit's Wit

Three infallible ways to guarantee a heart-to-heart conversation between you and your children:  Announce that you (a) have three pages left to read in your suspenseful novel, (b) are going to take a bubble bath or (c) your Favorite TV show is about to come on!  Works every time!

Whit's Wisdom

I honestly hate to admit how frugal (cheap) I am sometimes.   If my sharing helps someone get out of debt, become a stay-at-home parent or take the exotic vacation they've always dreamed of, well then, I guess the embarrassment is worth it.

When I went in San Francisco (I still love saying that!) it was because my Husband had business there and his company paid all his expenses.  Yes, all of HIS expenses - not mine.  So the first day I was on my own I went to eat breakfast at a quaint little diner in Union Square.  One biscuit, gravy and coffee later and I was handing over $11!! I can feed my entire family breakfast for $11 at home!! 

I walked out of that diner and directly into the closest Walgreen's (they are on EVERY corner!).  I bought a jar of peanut butter, a loaf of bread, a bag of chips and a 2 liter of Coke.  $14.  Oh, and a big, fat yummy chocolate muffin!  That was my breakfast one day and lunch for the next three days.  I had been given a Starbucks gift card for Christmas and used that to pay for breakfast and coffee for the remainder of the week.  When we left we gave the leftovers (yes, there were plenty!) to the maid and ask that she have them given to a homeless person.  (Unfortunately, they are on every corner as well.)

My Husband scolded me for not being able to just let go and spend and enjoy.  What I pointed out to him (and is ultimately my entire point here) is that because I saved so much money by eating breakfast and lunch on the cheap, I was able to (1) go to a movie; (2) eat an amazing cream puff, (3) do some shopping, (4) buy some wine and (5) eat out 'fancy' with my sweet husband each night!  I chose to sacrifice a bit on a small level so that I could live a bit on a much preferred level.  Yes, I think he realized again just how lucky he truly is.  :)

I felt like I got the best of both worlds just by eating a few peanut butter sandwiches - and who doesn't love peanut butter?

(note - I would have had coffee in my room and save the Starbuck's money, but there was no coffee pot in the room!  Can you imagine???  I will travel with a hot pot from now on!!)

What are you Watching?

I guess I wouldn't be a true American if I didn't mention that American Idol is on TV tonight at 8:00 pm on Fox.   After the very first season I just haven't been interested.  I love music, and I definitely love Steven Tyler, but AI just doesn't interest me.  Regardless, it is on tonight.

If I watch anything at 8:00 pm it will be The Middle on ABC, followed by Better with You.  They are cute programs.

9:00 pm brings on what I wait for patiently each Wednesday - Modern Family on ABC!  The teaser mentions Jay purchasing a Karaoke machine for Gloria.  I'm thinking it will probably be a laugh-fest tonight!!

Don't forget (like I always do!) that Hot In Cleveland comes on at 10:00 pm on TVLAND.  It is part 2 of "I Love Lucci" so if you missed part 1 here's the link to watch it: 

Who Knew?

I love making money by just doing little-to-nothing - and there's an APP for that!  (It seems like I'm always saying that!)   I first read this on Couponing to Disney (Thanks Kristin!) and if you click on her link she explains the entire process in layman's terms.

But in a nutshell, this is an App for I-phone or Android devices that you can download free and immediately receive a $1 Amazon Credit for the download.  After that, simply use the CheckPoints App while you are out shopping to receive points.  You can also scan items in the store to receive MORE points! There is a ton of ways to cash in those points - from Gift Cards to Facebook Points, Gifts and Gizmos - - - you can even DONATE your points to several different types of non-profit organizations.  Here's the link to CheckPoints with the free download link and explains everything in detail.

This is a no-brainer to me - hand your kid your phone and tell them to scan away while you shop!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Whit's Wit

My clock doesn't have numbers - it simply flashes 'LAST POSSIBLE" - and that's when I start working!

Who Knew?

Babe Ruth wore a cabbage leaf under his cap to keep him cool. He changed it every 2 innings. 

Cabbage leaves are also suggested for use to new mothers to help soothe the breast pain due to milk production.  A chilled leaf  is placed next to the breast, inside the bra, two or three times a day until the pain subsides.

Whit's Wisdom

Do you use Credit Cards?  If you do, I hope you are disciplined enough to only charge what you are able to pay off at the end of each month. If this is you -  have you considered taking advantage of some of the cash back programs offered by certain credit card companies?   We use our Discover to pay for groceries and gasoline and even some utilities - in return, we receive up to 5% of our purchased amount back each month.  This can be returned to us in the form of cash, used as a payment to the account, or cashed in for gift cards or even discounted merchandise.

I don't recommend this if you are not paying off your bill each month - remember, you are paying very high interest rates on anything not paid in full!!  But if you have the willpower to say NO to things you don't need - then this is a nice little reward for you!


I mentioned in my What are you Watching? blog last night that I would be watching A&E's show HEAVY.  This is a fantastic new program that shows the weight loss journey of two people each week.  It's not a contest.  It's a journey of real people who are obese and what they have to go through to get back to a healthy weight and, more importantly, maintain that new healthy lifestyle.

Last night was even more special for me because a High School classmate (South Cobb High School Class of 1983) was one of the participants on the show.  I had not personally seen Ronnie since graduation day, but I have been Facebook Friends with him for the last couple of years.  I have to say, when I first 'friended' him I was totally shocked.  He was not the lean football player I remembered at all.  At over 400 pounds, he was physically unable to do the things that he wanted to do with his family and friends.

 The reason this has fallen into my Wait....WHAT? category is this:  Ronnie was able to lose an amazing 180 pounds during his six months program of exercise, diet and therapy.  That in itself deserves a jaw drop, but he took it even further.   His final PERSONAL GOAL was to run one minute for every pound he lost - that is 180 minutes - or THREE HOURS.  When he was done he had run the equivalent of 15 miles.  If that doesn't deserve a wait....WHAT?? then I don't know what does! 

I've linked the program here and  strongly urge you to watch it.  Ronnie's, as well as his partner in weight loss, Debbie, stories are motivating and an inspiration for us all in whatever our personal struggles are.  We can overcome all obstacles - we just have to be willing to go that extra mile...or in Ronnie's case - those extra 15!!

What'cha Reading?

I hate to admit this, but the entire time I was in San Francisco I never even picked up my book!  I had all of this alone time (my Husband was working during the day) and I probably could have read three books!  I spent a lot of hotel time researching how to get around San Francisco, places to eat, things to see....and I did catch up on any TV shows (Glee - Raising Hope) that I missed at night.  I honestly just had no desire to READ - so I didn't.

HOWEVER, I do have a funny story to share with you about my audiobook - Portobello by Ruth Rendell.  I believe I mentioned that Tim Curry is the narrator of the book.  Well, I am not a very brave flier and being on a five hour flight was not my idea of a great time.  We took along our laptops and watched a movie to keep me occupied, but that only lasted a couple of hours.  I think I must suffer from a bit of motion sickness and I began to feel a bit ill about two hours away from SF.  Anyway, I decided to try listening to my audiobook to distract me.  I sat back, closed my eyes and listened to the soothing voice of Tim Curry....and fell fast asleep!!  I had no idea what happened in the book - but I know that it is now on my top favorites list!  Seriously, I have gone back and listened to it since my return, and it is a really good story.  I just have two reasons to suggest it now!

What are you Watching?

I doubt I ever have to say what I'm watching on's GLEE night!!  8:00 pm on Fox.  I usually get some Facebook teaser on what the music list will be - but nothing so far today!  So it looks like I get to be surprised!

Raising Hope follows Glee at 9:00 pm on Fox and I honestly look as forward to it as I do Glee.  I just think it is a hysterical show.  Has anyone else noticed how Cloris Leachman has a much bigger role this year?  Looks to me like someone has re-negotiated their contract.  Good for her - maybe she and Betty White need to do a show together sometime.

A new show I've added to my Tuesday fun is Traffic Light - again, on Fox at 9:30 pm.  If you haven't watched it yet - check it out.  It started out a bit slow, but I find myself laughing a great deal....who could ask for more?

If none of my choices tickle your fancy, click on the link above and see what else is offered tonight!

Monday, February 21, 2011

What are you Watching?

I like sitcoms so I tend to go with whatever 30 minute make-me-laugh show happens to be on tv.  Tonight I will be tuning in to How I Met Your Mother - which I obviously love because I watch the re-runs every night.  Mike and Molly comes on at 9:00 and I do love the girl who plays Molly (Melissa McCarthy - Gilmore Girls) so this is definitely on the agenda.

The biggest (no pun intended) event on TV this evening is HEAVY - on A&E at 10 pm.  A friend from High School, Ronnie Hicks, is one of the two featured 'losers'.  Ronnie and his fiance' Cara, have been kind enough to let us follow his progress on Facebook (well, as much as A&E would allow!) so this is an event that has been highly anticipated for months for hundreds of us former classmates who have been cheering him on!  This is a definite watch for me and I highly suggest you turn in as well!

Whit's Wit

I think I'm going to wait a couple of weeks to shave my legs all the time. It's like the finale of The Biggest Loser or the end of Hoarders - but for LEGS.

Whit's Wisdom

Taking your recycling to the center is a wonderful workout/therapy session. Be sure to park far away from the bins so you have to walk (exercise) and throw the stuff in individually - more effort - more results. Also, throwing the glass in the metal container is fantastic therapy! Make sure you tag a name or event onto every throw!!

Whit's Where?

I'm back!  What a fantastic time I had in San Francisco!  I haven't been able to get caught up with  my laundry and paperwork and housework and UGH!  So overwhelming!  It's awfully hard to focus with the long weekend as well.  (Husband is working from home and both of my daughters are home). 

I'll be back in full force tomorrow - but I wanted to just check in and let you know I hadn't disappeared!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Whit's WHERE??

Anyone been missing me?  I'm in San Francisco, CA!  My husband had to travel to his SF office to interview some potential employees, and I decided to put on my Big Girl Panties and join him!  This is a HUGE deal for me because I am an incredibly timid person (yeah, one who is loud and talkative - but shy and timid - I'm a conundrum).  I haven't flown in 17 years and I have never left my children on their own.  Yeah, they have left me, but I've never traveled without them.  So taking this trip has been for me like someone else skydiving or climbing Mt. Everest - a TRULY MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE!

What I am enjoying the most is that I would rather get dressed and go out and explore this city - ALONE - than sit in this incredible hotel room (and it is INCREDIBLE) and blog or read Facebook!  Who knew???  So, after I finish up this last sentence, and eat the last chocolate covered strawberry that my Mother In Law had sent to the hotel for us (I know, I know!!) then I am getting dressed and going exploring!!!!  

Don't worry - I'm sure I'll drive you all crazy with my stories about San Francisco once I get back home!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Whit's Where?

I won't be posting anymore today.  In just a few short hours I will be headed to San Francisco, CA!!  This is the first trip I have taken without my children EVER!  It is also the first time I have flown in 16++ years (which now explains why I am up at 3:00 am).  I'm incredibly nervous and just a little bit excited.

So - enjoy your Saturday, each and every one of you 15 followers!  lol!  I will see YOU in California!

Friday, February 11, 2011

What are you Watching?

Eh, Friday night television is not something I look forward to.  Anyone else remember Friday Family Night?  Or some catchy little phrase - and they had family-friendly shows from 8 pm until 10 pm?  Yeah, I sure miss those days.
Well, tonight we are offered Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown.  A Charlie Brown Valentine on CBS at 8:30 pm.  I guess Peanuts still falls under the family friendly guise, although the newer Charlie Brown's don't seem to have the same 'oomph' as the old ones.  Or maybe I just don't have the same 'oomph' as I used to have.
If I watch anything on TV, it will probably be the double episodes of MONK on MNT (MyTV) starting at 8:00 pm.

Here's what else is on tonight:

Whit's Wit

Family Friday!  This week we will feature one of my favorite family members - ME!
I once worked in a large open office with three older ladies and we had two bosses just down the hall.    Whenever they needed something they had this horrible habit of just yelling out to us from their offices.   One day one of the bosses was in a very heated discussing on the telephone.  It abruptly ended by him slamming down the phone and screaming “C_ _K SUCKER!!”  All was very quiet until I said “Diane, Price is calling you!”     
Yes, this is how Legends are made.

Whit's Wisdom

Do you have a habit of throwing away stale bread?  STOP!  You can make croutons, French toast, cold bread pudding, homemade bread crumbs….and if NOTHING ELSE – crumble it up and toss it in your yard for the birds!  They’ll be so happy!

Who Knew?

Ft. Wayne, IN has quite a conundrum at the moment.  One of their most beloved former Mayor's name has been nominated by the townspeople to adorn the new City-County Government Building.  Unfortunately, it has caused quite a stir across the world.   Seems that the City Commissioners do not want to grant the wishes of their people.

It appears that the name HARRY BAALS (pronounced BALLS) makes the Commissioners a little STIFF and uncomfortable.  You can find the full story below:

Looks like the honor might end up going to the former Principal of the school - Hugh Jass.

What'cha Reading?

I told you I thought I would start listening to Portobello by Ruth Rendell today while doing my housework.  I really wasn't too excited about any of the books I had downloaded from the library, but I knew I had read Rendell before and assumed I must have like her stories.

Well, I am so happy I chose this one!  Tim Curry (Rocky Horror, Clue, Annie, Spamalot on Broadway) is the narrator!  I could listen to him read my grocery list!  I have to admit, the book starts out a bit quirky, but once everything starts tying together, it is quite the enjoyable read (or listen!).  Portobello by Ruth Rendell

What are you reading?


Times are hard nowadays.  People have learned  to think outside of the box to make money.  But to turn a phone book into a LAPTOP - and sell it for $400? (OK,  ALLEGED attempt to sell)  That takes SKILLZ....

What makes this even better is that the phone book and FedEx shipping boxes are FREE!  His overhead was minuscule!  Better luck next time...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Whit's Wit

SINNER:  Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.
PRIEST:  Hey - there's an APP for that!

Whit's Wisdom

Whit's Wisdom: Make sure that you are putting away something for a rainy day. Easiest way to do this is to have a portion - no matter how small - of your paycheck direct deposited into a savings account each pay period....and pretend it doesn't exist. I found that using an online bank (HSBC, ING, etc.) makes it a bit inconvenient to access, therefore making me really think before I use that money.

Who Knew?

 Another Reason to Avoid Bottled Water

Watch this Clark Howard video - he explains how drinking bottled water can be hazardous to your dental health.

What'cha Reading?

 I started Dove in the Window by Earlene Fowler last night.  I had three laid out to read next, but since Ms. Fowler is an Agatha Award Winner, it was pretty simple to choose.  (Did I mention I love Agatha Christie?)

I have to admit that the snow slightly distracted me from my reading, so I really haven't formed an opinion of the book yet - but so far it has a couple of really likeable characters - and they were eating scones by the first two pages- so what's not to like?

I also downloaded four audio books yesterday and I believe I am going to start with Portobello by Ruth Rendell.  I'll link it up once I have actually made a firm commitment.

I know a few of my followers love to read - want to share what you're reading?


TMZ is reporting that Lindsay Lohan "accidentally" almost walked out wearing a diamond earring she had been trying on earlier.  This at the same store who has accused her of stealing a $2,500 necklace days later.  It's reported that she actually left her own more expensive earring on the counter - which leads one to believe she is just forgetful and it was all just a big mistake - right?

I always pull for the under dog, so I really do hope this has just been one giant "oops".  Why would she need to steal a $2,500 anything?  It certainly isn't because she can't afford it.  If it was for grins and giggles - well, I think if she'd already failed in stealing the earring, why go back to the same store to try it again?  Why not go down the street to another's Beverly Hills for goodness sake - they have as many jewelry stores as they do Starbucks.  (Can you buy diamonds in Starbucks now??  hmmmm...)

Intentional or not - I believe in Divine Intervention.  Ms. Lohan is spinning out of control and if it's not grand theft it will just be something else.  My suggestion to her is this:  Break all ties with your family and 'friends'. Hire a strong-willed pseudo Mom and Daddy in a small town (paying them only a middle class wage so they won't be tainted by money) - and let them get you clean and sober and show you what a real family is supposed to be like.  Go to college, learn to do something besides acting.  Do some daily chores.  Volunteer somewhere. Put all your money in a Trust that you can't access until you are clean.  PRAY.

Or maybe just go talk to Heath Ledger, John Belushi, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley,  Michael Jackson....oh, wait....

What are you Watching?

Looks like today TCM is featuring all musicals!  This is part of TCM's 31 Days of Oscar, so these are supposed to be the cream of the crop.  Since I don't see Singing in the Rain listed, I have to suggest that they MISSED one, but I digress.

I haven't been impressed with Thursday night TV lately, but now that they've moved The Big Bang Theory (CBS) to the coveted 8:00 pm slot - looks like I know where I'll be tonight.  I will probably follow it up with $#*! My Dad Says (CBS 8:30 pm) - which seems to be getting better as time goes on.  William Shatner is the male version of Betty White, if you ask me.  I'll watch anything they are in just because they are so impressive.

 Here's TV Guide's Watch List for tonight if my two suggestions don't tickle your fancy.

So - what are YOU watching?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Who Knew?

Clark Said: Get paid to save for your retirement

 According to Clark Howard  - 
"... there's a federal program that's been around for years to encourage people to save for the future. Some 10 years ago, Congress passed what's called the Saver's Credit during the Bush administration with the goal of assisting savers who make a decent living but not a huge income.

Here's the deal: If you save $2,000 in a 401(k), IRA, 403(b) or 457 plan, the government will match your money as much as 50 percent, up to a maximum of $1,000. Save less than $2,000 and the government will give you a smaller percentage, either $400 or $200. See a chart that spells out how it works.  "

Click on the link above to read the full article.  I would suggest this to all of my college age friends and family!  Again, that's called FREE MONEY!

Whit's Wit

I wish wine came from cows.  And then I’d wish I had a cow.

Whit's Wisdom

Submit those REBATES! There are so many products sold with a rebate (especially large ticket items like tires, computers, televisions) and so few are ever redeemed. That's free money people! These Companies dangle the rebate as bait - and bank on your forgetfulness or laziness. Don't let them be right!
I label rebates as 'found money' -  money that I wasn't expecting.  All 'found money' goes into my vacation savings account.  You will be surprised how quickly and easily you can save a few hundred dollars just by throwing in rebates, refunds, coupon savings, money found in the dryer (lol) into that Found Money Category!

What'cha Reading?

I finished The Torso in the Town last night!  I definitely recommend it - and all works by Simon Brett.  He has the talent of not just ending the book once the murder is solved.  Sometimes I like to know how life plays out afterward, you know?

So....any recommendations for me?  I am loading up my MP3 (which I lovingly refer to as MP3PO) today for my trip to San Francisco!  I hope between a good book and noise canceling headphones I won't even know I'm on a plane!


So, apparently President Obama smokes -or should I say SMOKED.  Today is his one year 'smoke free' anniversary.  At first I was all "oooohh, health conscience Michelle Obama with her lets-tell-people-what-they-can-eat initiative lives with a SMOKER, mmmhhmmm....". But then I jumped off the Judgment Wagon and saw it for what it is - someone with a 30 year habit, in one of the most high pressure jobs in the world - has been smoke free for 12 months - I say "WAY TO GO, MR. PRESIDENT!"

Now, can we work on some of  those other bad choices....?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Whit's Wisdom

Can you REALLY AFFORD that new car? Wait six months to purchase. Take the payment amount and put it in a savings account each month. If you withdraw ANY money from that account - you can't afford the car. If you don't - you have a great down payment for your New Car!
Before you go "new" though - check out the previously owned (f/k/a USED) vehicles.  Remember, as soon as you drive that NEW car off the lot it depreciates significantly in value. 

Whit's Wit

Used to be when I told my husband "I've got a wild hair" he'd lock the bedroom door; now he just hands me the tweezers.

What'cha Reading?

I'm a huge mystery book lover so I'm usually reading one mystery and listening to one on my MP3 player.  If I didn't download books I think I might go crazy!  I like to listen while I do my housework.

I just finished a BOT (book on tape - yeah, I'm old school) called Black Cherry Blues by James Lee Burke.  I recommend it...a bit depressing, though.   

The one I am reading now is The Torso in the Town by Simon Brett.  This is the third in the Fethering Series, but it's the first one I've read and I haven't been confused, so it's not like you have to read them in order.  

I would love to know what everyone else is reading and what types of books are your favorites.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Whit's Wit

My idea of Porno is going to Krispy Kreme and watching them make the doughnuts. Naughty doughnut - naughty, naughty doughnut!

Whit's Wisdom

Trying to save some money by not dining out? We tend to eat out simply because we don't want to cook, so try this. Keep something in your freezer that you LOVE and that is simple to fix (ready made appetizers, Bertolli, quiches are some of my favorites!) and heat these up when you are tempted to eat out. If you feel like you are treating yourself it will be easier to stay in!
If you are really dedicated to watching your weight, always keep some bag o' salad in your fridge and some pre-cooked grilled chicken in the freezer!