Friday, August 5, 2011

Whit's Wit


I know you won't believe this, but I swear all the girls in this family exited the womb talking.  Not gurgling, baby-talk....full fledged conversations.  So it was really no surprise when my Niece, Casey,  who probably wasn't even walking yet, could converse with my Mom and I on our random shopping trips.  However, I was not aware how good of a listener and observer she was until that fateful day....(insert memory music here)

We were in the parking lot of a Mall in our small little town.  It had been a long time coming and people were very excited about the Grand Opening.  Needless to say, the parking lot was packed.  Now, I'm from the south, where their are lots of pickup trucks and cowboy hats.  One man matching said description pulled his truck out in front of me without even a good ole' tip of his hat in apology.  Well, I might have said something like "Woah!!  Wait a minute Bubba!  Not so fast!!"

We finally parked the car and headed up with all the other hundreds of folks to the entrance.  I'm carrying my little Niece Casey when suddenly taps me on my shoulder, points her little arm out wide and says in a big, clear voice "Look, Aunt Whitney, there's Bubba!!!  Right there - it's Bubba - in the boots!!!  You know, Bubba with the Truck!!"

She was right. 

I hope to teach HER little boy a few select words of my own someday.

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