Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Whit's Wisdom

Customer Reward Cards driving you nuts?  I love that most stores now offer this type of loyalty goody to keep you coming back, but honestly, sometimes I just wish they'd just tattoo a bar code on my arm so I don't have to keep up with the stinking card!  I was so excited when a lot of the stores began allowing your phone number to be used as an alternative id, but there are some people out there that truly respect their privacy and refuse to give out their phone numbers.  I can't honestly disagree with that either - the less you put your personal info out there the less chance you have for identity theft.  But that's another subject for another day, so back to the cards...

I have to tell you that I absolutely hate carrying these cards on my house/car key ring.   If I drive my Husband's car to the store then I don't have my cards with me.  Plus my Husband carries the keys in his pocket.  If he were to carry around all these cards he wouldn't be able to sit down!  So I have developed two different systems to alleviate these problems.  

System 1
Such a simple idea, right?  I found a keyring floating around the house and used it to store all of my reward cards together.  This way I can keep the whole wad in my purse, throw them in the glove box (my Mother in Law calls it the "pocket") or hand it to my Husband or Daughters if they need them.  

System 2
I have to admit it...I got this adorable card case free from Victoria's Secret, and I was just dying to find a use for it!  This is a great way to store not only reward cards but gift cards too!  When I go to the mall I make sure this has any 'freebie' card I might have received in it!  Plus it's super cute and stylish and makes me feel fashionable.  Hubby doesn't generally carry this one with him, but my girls don't seem to mind.

Why do you need two such wonderful systems, you ask?  Well, that has a two-fold answer!  The first is....I have a ton of Reward Cards and System 2 can't hold them all.  The second answer?  I lost System 1 for a time and had to find all the large cards and create System 2.  {blush}  I certainly hope one (or both) of these will help you - or at least inspire you to find a system that works best for you!

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