Monday, February 28, 2011

Whit's Wisdom

With so many of my facebook friends joining in on the 6 Week Weight Loss Challenge started by Ronnie Hicks (which I think is such a fantastic idea, Ronnie!) I thought I would share my one and only EXERCISE tip.

Let me begin by stating that I HATE to exercise.  I think it's like your Mom telling you to eat broccoli because it is good for you.  If you tell me something is going to make me sweat, make me tired, and WORSE - make me so sore the next day I don't want to move - I'm NOT going to want to participate.  If I can disguise that exercise though (like putting fat free cheddar cheese on that broccoli) then I am much more likely to do it!  

Since I am a SAHM (stay at home mom) I do the majority of the housework.  (Who am I kidding?  I do ALL of the housework!)  An efficient housekeeper will tell you to save steps - consolidate your trips - make sure if you leave a room you take several items with you to put away.  NOT ME!  Not only am I not that great of a housekeeper - but I will take a single item from the bedroom to the kitchen, knowing full well I have 17 things that really need go in there.  And I will walk back to the bedroom, get another single item, and return it to its proper place.  And I will repeat this as many times and I can stand it.  

We moved my washer and drying to the basement.  I can only IMAGINE how many wonderful calories I am burning lugging 8 loads of laundry up and down there every day.  (ok, but almost 8!)  And I bring up the empty basket and then go back downstairs to start the load of laundry.  I waste steps and time all day long!!

Those groceries you have to bring in and put up?  Try bringing them in two bags at a time only.  Those pots and pans that belong on the bottom shelf?  Put them up one at a time.  How about those floors that need vacuuming?  Why not do it TWICE a week instead of only once?

I will admit that I am absolutely not getting the same sort of workout as if I were doing Zumba or running or lifting weights, but I guarantee you I am working my muscles, I am burning calories, and I am losing weight!  (WW Proven!!)  And I'm not suggesting you start cleaning house more (although I'm sure it would be helpful!).  My suggestion is to find something you HAVE TO DO and turn it into a workout for yourself.  Every little bit helps!!

Here is the link to Ronnie Hick's (HEAVY) weight loss challenge:

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