Thursday, May 19, 2011

Whit's Wisdom

So I was searching high and low today for some item that I had recycled/reused/repurposed and I find that I am running out of examples in my home....and then it hit me!  MY HOME!  My home is a fantastic example of repurposed!!

I basically inherited my home from my Grandparents.  I was a single mom with two small children at the time.  They shared the biggest room, one bedroom was a playroom and I had the small bedroom with the half-bath.  And then I got married!  And we were two adults in a little bitty room with a lot of furniture and clothes and 'stuff' and no place to put it.  So we REPURPOSED our living room!  The largest room in the house was our living room  - and we needed that space!  It is a little abnormal to have a front door in your bedroom, but you know what?  It works for us!  Our dining room is a living/dining area, the girls now have separate rooms, and one bedroom was converted from playroom to computer room.  If we entertain - well, it is either in the basement (my wonderful Husband partitioned off a room for us down there a few years ago) or it's outside on the deck.  

This was truly an example of thinking 'outside the box'....believe me, if we had tried to live in that little bedroom together it would have been like living in a box!  So just because something is set up one way - don't think that it HAS to BE that can be whatever you want it to be!!

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