Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Weigh Cool!

Don't Blame the Children!

I've always kind of wanted to be a Weight Watcher's Leader because they seem so peppy and excited and helpful and everyone seems to love them so much.  I think the one thing holding me back is that if a client were to say "Well, I keep the cookies in the house because of the children" I would be forced to shout "LIAR!!!"

It used to drive me bananas when people would say "I don't want to punish my kids just because I'm on a diet".  Are you kidding me??  Is eating healthy food a punishment now??  Having them start healthy eating habits today will allow teach them how to AVOID ever being overweight!  We want our children to do better than us and not make the same mistakes we've made.  If I knew then what I know now my children would have been introduced to every single vegetable ever grown before they could eat solid foods.  I gave in too quickly - it was easier to throw the chicken nuggets and fries their way than to sit there for five extra minutes while they sulked about eating a carrot.  My youngest Daughter only likes two vegetables.  Do you know how hard it is to work those veggies into each and every meal??

So stop laying the blame on them for YOUR lack of willpower and get real!  Those cookies and candy and chips can be a treat from now on - not a staple food item in the cabinet.  And IF you are still going to bring it in, then make healthier choices.  Choose popcorn or pretzels, pack up small baggies of low fat chips or cookies and LIMIT the amount of days they (and you) eat them each week.  And take a suggestion from someone who wishes she could have a do-over - start serving at least one new vegetable a week to your family and do whatever it takes to make everyone try it.  I PROMISE you will be glad you did!

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