Friday, May 20, 2011

Whit's Wisdom

Before I started blogging, I would do a daily Whit's Wisdom on Facebook.  Below are a few of my favorite tidbits that I wanted to share with you all and get them on the blog.  I hope you find some of this smorgasbord helpful.  

Whit's Wisdom: "...'cause two can keep a secret if one of them is dead." Pretty Little Liars. Pretty self-explanatory, but worth repeating. If you don't want some one to know your business, don't tell - ANYONE. Not Mom, not best friend, not total stranger - no one.
Whit's Wisdom: Slower traffic needs to stay in the right hand lane unless passing another vehicle. Faster traffic needs to not tailgate slower traffic in right hand lane. All traffic should follow the speed LIMIT. It's very simple.
Whit's Wisdom: Hug your children every chance you get and tell them that you love them. For that matter, hug everyone you love at every opportunity!
Whit's Wisdom: Ever have someone say or write something and you're not sure how they meant it? At that point you can choose to be angry/hurt, choose to become confrontational, or you can choose to take it at face value. Before you make your choice, consider the source, not the words.
WHIT'S WISDOM: You can save a lot of time and arguments with two little words: "why not?" My daughter wanted to take a bath in her bathing suit. I'd told her NO a 100 times. My Mom overheard us one day and said "why not? why can't she take a bath in her bathing suit?" I had no idea why not. I said yes. It didn't hurt a thing. No tragedies, no moral values broken - just a happy kid taking a bath.
Whit's Wisdom: FIBER is very important to good health. I once flipped through a Home Medical Journal from the early 1900's. For every ailment listed - from headache to joint pain - the first step was "use an enema". Fiber rich foods also fill you up and keep you from being hungry so quickly. Fiber rich foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and beans.
Whit's Wisdom: We need to learn to identify and praise good behavior. When someone loses weight or stops smoking, drinking, drugs, etc. we get so excited and we talk about their accomplishments and we want to emulate their actions. And it IS wonderful. But who we neglect to praise is the person who works hard to stay physically fit, or makes the choice to keep their bodies and mind clean.

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