Monday, May 9, 2011


I just read a frugal tip from someone online who states she carries "throw away clothes" on vacation trips...especially if she travels by air.  She says she packs a few items just to run around in sightseeing or shopping and instead of bringing them home with her she disposes of them to have more room in her suitcase for the return flight home.


I understand that perhaps she wants to fill her suitcase with souvenirs for the return home, but I'm just not getting the frugality of throw-away clothing.  (Although sometimes the thought of not washing/drying/folding makes the idea of paper clothes sound very intriguing!)

I'd love to hear your comments on this - perhaps you can explain her logic to me. 

1 comment:

  1. How is it frugal to "throw away clothes"???? I don't get it either. I know of a youth pastor that has given her clothes to less fortunate folks when on missions trips. Both are choices, but giving them away to someone that really needs them is much different than throwing them away. This frugal tip must come from someone with more money than sense.
