Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Whit's Wisdom

Writer's block?  I think so.  Here's some oldies but goodies:

Whit's Wisdom: Your children are more likely to eat food that they help prepare. If you want them to try something new, find a new recipe and prepare it together as a family. It is a good idea to let them do as much of the preparation as possible....the more they do - the more Pride they feel! It's a definite win/win!
Whit's Wisdom: Did you know that it is not the shaving that dulls the razor blade, but the moisture that collects on the blade once you are done? If you will simply shake the water out of your razor (or better yet - blast it with a blow dryer) and store in a dry place, you can use the same razor for months and months! I've been using the same one since August, 2010 and it's as sharp as ever!
Whit's Wisdom: Do you ever feel like you aren't accomplishing anything? It can really put a damper on your spirits. Try making a list of the things you have to do for the day and marking them off as you complete the task. By the end of the week you can look back and see all that you have truly done! It's quite the morale booster!
Whit's Wisdom: Don't let one more month go by in 2011 without having a WILL! Especially if you have children! None of us like to think about it the 'end', but would you rather think about the government deciding who gets your children and your money? There are plenty of easy to use Will kits online now and are very inexpensive. You do not have an excuse - be responsible!
Whit's Wisdom: Facebook is a fantastic way to catch up with old friends, but I've found it to be an incredibly useful tool for finding bargains! Subscribe to some of the pages like Couponing To Disney;; SwagGrabber to get updates on super deals. Or 'like' some of your favorite stores FB pages - they have giveaways and coupons all the time!
Whit's Wisdom: Readers Request - You should stop 100 ft. from a school bus - as a matter of fact, you should keep a 100 ft. distance between you and the school bus at all time. This isn't a 'suggested distance' - the sign does not say "we suggest you stay back 100 ft.". Common sense people....common sense!
Whit's Wisdom: With so many of us now handling most of our banking online, have you thought about how hard it would be on your family should you pass away unexpectedly? It's a good idea to have that account information and passwords listed so your loved ones can find it if necessary. Don't just leave it laying around though - make sure you store it in a safe or safety deposit box!
Whit's Wisdom: Do you drink Coca-Cola? If so, you should really visit My Coke Rewards (.com) Every coke cap, 12 pack or case has a Coke Rewards Code. Create an account and add those codes in once a week. (then recycle the lids!) Your codes can be cashed in for prizes, sweepstakes or coke products! You are buying them anyway - why not reap and extra benefit?!  I've been playing for over three years. I have cashed mine in for movie tickets, Subway and Best Buy gift cards, a food processor, numerous 12 packs of cokes, magazines, Nascar's

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