Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Whit's Wisdom

I have had the best week last week!  I tried something new, SOMEHOW got my family to buy into it, and was on easy street all week.  Are you ready for this?  FROZEN FOODS.  Yes, I brought the joy of the 70's into my home!!

Remember all of those fun nights when your Mom tossed an aluminum tray of chicken or fish sticks on a tv tray and you all sat and watched The Brady Bunch or, in our house, Wild, Wild West?  Well, eating and watching tv is nothing new to most households, but eating frozen dinners for a solid week is pretty unusual for this crew.  At least since I became a stay-at-home-everything.  (this nomenclature "Mom"  seems too limiting on all that I do, but I digress...)  My oldest Daughter, who is also my official grocery shopper, picked out seven days of frozen foods for each of us, doubling the quantity for my Husband.  We paired it with a salad and voila!  Instant dinner!  Nice and healthy, no one seemed to be scrounging around looking for food two hours later and clean-up was a breeze!

The best part of all of this was that it removed tons of aggravation ---when Daughter #1 had to unexpectedly go to work - no big deal; when Daughter #2 napped through dinner, I wasn't mad; when Husband worked late 5 out of 5 nights, I wasn't up doing his dinner dishes at 10 pm.  Obviously we don't do normal anything anymore, so in this household it was a perfect solution to give ME a break!  Another plus is that we saved energy by not using the oven - no need for the AC to work extra hard either!

I suppose I'll go  back to cooking a few times a week just to remind everyone how much they should appreciate me, but the Magic Eight Ball shows lots of frozen foods in our future too!!

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