Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Whit's Wisdom

 Not feeling so very wise today - so I figured I would shoot you some tidbits of former wise things I had said before I started the blog.  Enjoy!
 Whit's Wisdom: Make sure that you are putting away something for a rainy day. Easiest way to do this is to have a portion - no matter how small - of your paycheck direct deposited into a savings account each pay period....and pretend it doesn't exist. I found that using an online bank (HSBC, ING, etc.) makes it a bit inconvenient to access, therefore making me really think before I use that money.
 Whit's Wisdom: It takes more time for your coffee to brew than it takes to clean out a junk drawer, wipe down the kitchen cabinets, make your bed, take out the garbage, etc. Don't just stand around waiting - fill that time with some productive activity!
Whit's Wisdom: GA Law states that drivers between the age of 16-18 can only drive immediate family members for the first 6 months after getting their license. Parents - don't rely on you children to follow this rule - it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to your child, their friends, and your community. Don't let your child carry around the burden for a death of a friend due to your inability to JUST SAY NO.
Whit's Wisdom: Like with dieting, if you find something you think you just HAVE TO BUY, walk around in the store with it for 20 minutes before purchasing. With a diet if you wait 20 minutes you usually don't want any more food; with purchases - within 20 minutes you will usually find you CAN live without it. Especially if it's heavy and you've been carrying it around for 20 minutes!!!!
Whit's Wisdom: Taking your recycling to the center is a wonderful workout/therapy session. Be sure to park far away from the bins so you have to walk (exercise) and throw the stuff in individually - more effort - more results. Also, throwing the glass in the metal container is fantastic therapy! Make sure you tag a name or event onto every throw!!
Whit's Wisdom: "Oh, those blasted toys all over the place and they don't even play with all of them!" If your child shows no interest in a toy, hide it away. Bring it out again several months later once he tires of some of the current toys. If he still doesn't like it, sell it or donate it. No sense cluttering your limited space with unwanted toys.
Whit's Wisdom: Submit those REBATES! There are so many products sold with a rebate (especially large ticket items like tires, computers, televisions) and so few are ever redeemed. That's free money people! These Companies dangle the rebate as bait - and bank on your forgetfulness or laziness. Don't let them be right!
Whit's Wisdom: Brush and Floss Your Teeth!! An ounce of prevention is worth - oh - about $10,000 in cure. Without dental insurance, bi-yearly checkups will cost you somewhere between $100-$200 maximum. If you are afraid of Dentists, try Sedation Dentistry.
Whit's Wisdom: Whatever your goal - Weight Loss, Saving Money, Paying off Credit Cards, Cleaning out a Basement - all takes commitment, sacrifice and TIME. We didn't get fat, in debt and messy in one day and we aren't going to get lean, rich and organized in one day either. Slow and Steady, Friends!

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