I have had the best week last week! I tried something new, SOMEHOW got my family to buy into it, and was on easy street all week. Are you ready for this? FROZEN FOODS. Yes, I brought the joy of the 70's into my home!!
Remember all of those fun nights when your Mom tossed an aluminum tray of chicken or fish sticks on a tv tray and you all sat and watched The Brady Bunch or, in our house, Wild, Wild West? Well, eating and watching tv is nothing new to most households, but eating frozen dinners for a solid week is pretty unusual for this crew. At least since I became a stay-at-home-everything. (this nomenclature "Mom" seems too limiting on all that I do, but I digress...) My oldest Daughter, who is also my official grocery shopper, picked out seven days of frozen foods for each of us, doubling the quantity for my Husband. We paired it with a salad and voila! Instant dinner! Nice and healthy, no one seemed to be scrounging around looking for food two hours later and clean-up was a breeze!
The best part of all of this was that it removed tons of aggravation ---when Daughter #1 had to unexpectedly go to work - no big deal; when Daughter #2 napped through dinner, I wasn't mad; when Husband worked late 5 out of 5 nights, I wasn't up doing his dinner dishes at 10 pm. Obviously we don't do normal anything anymore, so in this household it was a perfect solution to give ME a break! Another plus is that we saved energy by not using the oven - no need for the AC to work extra hard either!
I suppose I'll go back to cooking a few times a week just to remind everyone how much they should appreciate me, but the Magic Eight Ball shows lots of frozen foods in our future too!!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Whit's Wit
Good Morning, 10:00 a.m.! What happened to your buddies 7, 8 and 9? Oh yeah - SUMMER VACATION!!! Filling in for them are 12, 1 and 2 am!!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Whit's Wit
FAMILY FRIDAY!! (viewer discretion advised)
The tree limbs in my back yard are leaning over my deck due to the strong storms we had last night. I told my Husband that perhaps the wind was blowing so hard it just pounded them down. "The wind was crazy here!" I said, "Daddy said it was blowing a gale!"
His reply? "I don't know this Gayle of which you speak...but I think I'd like to meet her!".
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Whit's Wit
My friend was lamenting to me one night that she had no eyelashes - that no matter what she used, her lashes just did not look long and full. I emailed her one night to tell her that my daughter had tried some new mascara and that it was amazing, worked fantastic and well worth trying. She seemed a bit hesitant until I told her this: "It makes her eyes look like Bambi's! And I'm talking the Stripper....not the deer!"
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Whit's Wit
My Husband thinks it's 'cute' to make little wise-cracks when he's too busy to talk, instead of just saying he is busy.
I think it's 'cute' when I put ExLax in his special chocolate chip "you work too hard, honey" muffins.
We are just the CUTEST couple, aren't we???
Whit's Wisdom
Writer's block? I think so. Here's some oldies but goodies:
Whit's Wisdom: Your children are more likely to eat food that they help prepare. If you want them to try something new, find a new recipe and prepare it together as a family. It is a good idea to let them do as much of the preparation as possible....the more they do - the more Pride they feel! It's a definite win/win!
Whit's Wisdom: Did you know that it is not the shaving that dulls the razor blade, but the moisture that collects on the blade once you are done? If you will simply shake the water out of your razor (or better yet - blast it with a blow dryer) and store in a dry place, you can use the same razor for months and months! I've been using the same one since August, 2010 and it's as sharp as ever!
Whit's Wisdom: Do you ever feel like you aren't accomplishing anything? It can really put a damper on your spirits. Try making a list of the things you have to do for the day and marking them off as you complete the task. By the end of the week you can look back and see all that you have truly done! It's quite the morale booster!
Whit's Wisdom: Don't let one more month go by in 2011 without having a WILL! Especially if you have children! None of us like to think about it the 'end', but would you rather think about the government deciding who gets your children and your money? There are plenty of easy to use Will kits online now and are very inexpensive. You do not have an excuse - be responsible!
Whit's Wisdom: Facebook is a fantastic way to catch up with old friends, but I've found it to be an incredibly useful tool for finding bargains! Subscribe to some of the pages like Couponing To Disney;SouthernSavers.com; SwagGrabber to get updates on super deals. Or 'like' some of your favorite stores FB pages - they have giveaways and coupons all the time!
Whit's Wisdom: Readers Request - You should stop 100 ft. from a school bus - as a matter of fact, you should keep a 100 ft. distance between you and the school bus at all time. This isn't a 'suggested distance' - the sign does not say "we suggest you stay back 100 ft.". Common sense people....common sense!
Whit's Wisdom: With so many of us now handling most of our banking online, have you thought about how hard it would be on your family should you pass away unexpectedly? It's a good idea to have that account information and passwords listed so your loved ones can find it if necessary. Don't just leave it laying around though - make sure you store it in a safe or safety deposit box!
Whit's Wisdom: Do you drink Coca-Cola? If so, you should really visit My Coke Rewards (.com) Every coke cap, 12 pack or case has a Coke Rewards Code. Create an account and add those codes in once a week. (then recycle the lids!) Your codes can be cashed in for prizes, sweepstakes or coke products! You are buying them anyway - why not reap and extra benefit?! I've been playing for over three years. I have cashed mine in for movie tickets, Subway and Best Buy gift cards, a food processor, numerous 12 packs of cokes, magazines, Nascar memorabilia....it's
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Whit's Wisdom
Not feeling so very wise today - so I figured I would shoot you some tidbits of former wise things I had said before I started the blog. Enjoy!
Whit's Wisdom: Make sure that you are putting away something for a rainy day. Easiest way to do this is to have a portion - no matter how small - of your paycheck direct deposited into a savings account each pay period....and pretend it doesn't exist. I found that using an online bank (HSBC, ING, etc.) makes it a bit inconvenient to access, therefore making me really think before I use that money.
Whit's Wisdom: It takes more time for your coffee to brew than it takes to clean out a junk drawer, wipe down the kitchen cabinets, make your bed, take out the garbage, etc. Don't just stand around waiting - fill that time with some productive activity!
Whit's Wisdom: GA Law states that drivers between the age of 16-18 can only drive immediate family members for the first 6 months after getting their license. Parents - don't rely on you children to follow this rule - it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to your child, their friends, and your community. Don't let your child carry around the burden for a death of a friend due to your inability to JUST SAY NO.
Whit's Wisdom: Like with dieting, if you find something you think you just HAVE TO BUY, walk around in the store with it for 20 minutes before purchasing. With a diet if you wait 20 minutes you usually don't want any more food; with purchases - within 20 minutes you will usually find you CAN live without it. Especially if it's heavy and you've been carrying it around for 20 minutes!!!!
Whit's Wisdom: Taking your recycling to the center is a wonderful workout/therapy session. Be sure to park far away from the bins so you have to walk (exercise) and throw the stuff in individually - more effort - more results. Also, throwing the glass in the metal container is fantastic therapy! Make sure you tag a name or event onto every throw!!
Whit's Wisdom: "Oh, those blasted toys all over the place and they don't even play with all of them!" If your child shows no interest in a toy, hide it away. Bring it out again several months later once he tires of some of the current toys. If he still doesn't like it, sell it or donate it. No sense cluttering your limited space with unwanted toys.
Whit's Wisdom: Submit those REBATES! There are so many products sold with a rebate (especially large ticket items like tires, computers, televisions) and so few are ever redeemed. That's free money people! These Companies dangle the rebate as bait - and bank on your forgetfulness or laziness. Don't let them be right!
Whit's Wisdom: Brush and Floss Your Teeth!! An ounce of prevention is worth - oh - about $10,000 in cure. Without dental insurance, bi-yearly checkups will cost you somewhere between $100-$200 maximum. If you are afraid of Dentists, try Sedation Dentistry.
Whit's Wisdom: Whatever your goal - Weight Loss, Saving Money, Paying off Credit Cards, Cleaning out a Basement - all takes commitment, sacrifice and TIME. We didn't get fat, in debt and messy in one day and we aren't going to get lean, rich and organized in one day either. Slow and Steady, Friends!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Whit's Wit
When I was a little girl I used to think every source of water I got near was my own personal wading pool. I would pitch the biggest fits to go wading, regardless of snow, rain, dark of night, etc. And once I got in I certainly didn't want to get out! My Parents would have to pull me out and listen to me cry.
Well, after one such episode - we had stopped along side a little creek in a gravel parking lot so that we could all wade for a bit - my Parents were having to listen to whiney Whitney beg to go back in the water. As we pulled out of the parking lot, the tires kicked up the gravel and it began hitting the back of the car. My Daddy said "See there! The fish are throwing rocks at you! They want you to go home too!"
It was honestly YEARS before I realized fish don't have arms.
Whit's Wisdom
It's All in the Way You Look at It!
This is not frugal. This is not good for the environment. This is not a good lesson in raising children. This is SUMMER SURVIVAL.
School is about to be out for the summer and that means teenagers/young adults hanging out here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Which means teenagers/young adults EATING AND DRINKING here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (or really, really close to that.) So I did something yesterday I am not proud of....I bought 50 plastic solo cups and a sharpie. And when they are gone, I will buy more.
My children and their friends have the following instructions: Upon awakening, grab a cup, write your name on it and use it until you are ready to go to bed. At which point you empty it, rinse it AND THROW IT IN THE RECYCLE BIN. Repeat until Summer is over.
Yes, this is incredibly wasteful - BUT I DON'T CARE. I refuse to spend another Summer washing thousands and thousands of half-empty glasses, picking them up from every room, pouring out drinks because no one is sure who it belongs to. Of course I should be able to say 'do your own dishes'...but there is always "Not Mine's" dishes left in the sink - He NEVER DOES HIS! Just ask anyone in the house whose dishes those are in the sink....Not Mine!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Whit's Wisdom
Before I started blogging, I would do a daily Whit's Wisdom on Facebook. Below are a few of my favorite tidbits that I wanted to share with you all and get them on the blog. I hope you find some of this smorgasbord helpful.
Whit's Wisdom: "...'cause two can keep a secret if one of them is dead." Pretty Little Liars. Pretty self-explanatory, but worth repeating. If you don't want some one to know your business, don't tell - ANYONE. Not Mom, not best friend, not total stranger - no one.
Whit's Wisdom: Slower traffic needs to stay in the right hand lane unless passing another vehicle. Faster traffic needs to not tailgate slower traffic in right hand lane. All traffic should follow the speed LIMIT. It's very simple.
Whit's Wisdom: Hug your children every chance you get and tell them that you love them. For that matter, hug everyone you love at every opportunity!
Whit's Wisdom: Ever have someone say or write something and you're not sure how they meant it? At that point you can choose to be angry/hurt, choose to become confrontational, or you can choose to take it at face value. Before you make your choice, consider the source, not the words.
WHIT'S WISDOM: You can save a lot of time and arguments with two little words: "why not?" My daughter wanted to take a bath in her bathing suit. I'd told her NO a 100 times. My Mom overheard us one day and said "why not? why can't she take a bath in her bathing suit?" I had no idea why not. I said yes. It didn't hurt a thing. No tragedies, no moral values broken - just a happy kid taking a bath.
Whit's Wisdom: FIBER is very important to good health. I once flipped through a Home Medical Journal from the early 1900's. For every ailment listed - from headache to joint pain - the first step was "use an enema". Fiber rich foods also fill you up and keep you from being hungry so quickly. Fiber rich foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and beans.
Whit's Wisdom: We need to learn to identify and praise good behavior. When someone loses weight or stops smoking, drinking, drugs, etc. we get so excited and we talk about their accomplishments and we want to emulate their actions. And it IS wonderful. But who we neglect to praise is the person who works hard to stay physically fit, or makes the choice to keep their bodies and mind clean.
Whit's Wit
I have to go to the funeral home to pay my respects to a Friend on the passing of her Husband. I was trying to find something appropriate to wear and my Daughter, Stephanie, hands me a skirt and top and tells me to try it on. Once dressed I asked her how I looked.
Her reply? "Awww, you look cute...not all ick and depressed...you know, like how everyone always looks at FUNERALS.
The eggs don't roll far from the chickens, do they?
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Whit's Wisdom
So I was searching high and low today for some item that I had recycled/reused/repurposed and I find that I am running out of examples in my home....and then it hit me! MY HOME! My home is a fantastic example of repurposed!!
I basically inherited my home from my Grandparents. I was a single mom with two small children at the time. They shared the biggest room, one bedroom was a playroom and I had the small bedroom with the half-bath. And then I got married! And we were two adults in a little bitty room with a lot of furniture and clothes and 'stuff' and no place to put it. So we REPURPOSED our living room! The largest room in the house was our living room - and we needed that space! It is a little abnormal to have a front door in your bedroom, but you know what? It works for us! Our dining room is a living/dining area, the girls now have separate rooms, and one bedroom was converted from playroom to computer room. If we entertain - well, it is either in the basement (my wonderful Husband partitioned off a room for us down there a few years ago) or it's outside on the deck.
This was truly an example of thinking 'outside the box'....believe me, if we had tried to live in that little bedroom together it would have been like living in a box! So just because something is set up one way - don't think that it HAS to BE that way....it can be whatever you want it to be!!
Whit's Wit
It doesn't matter what time of day it is or how much traffic there is, the teenagers in my neighborhood REFUSE to get over in the grass when a car is coming. I asked my daughter what they could possibly be thinking and she replied "They don't want to get their shoes dirty."
Wow! Those are the cleanest, finest shoes I have ever seen on a CORPSE.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Whit's Wisdom
Giveaway Box
I have started a new habit that seriously seems to be working out fairly well. (I'm not good at maintaining good habits) I keep a bag or box in my basement at all times to collect giveaway stuff in. Clothing that doesn't fit seems to be the easiest to get rid of, but I will walk around the house and just pick up things that just aren't being used (kitchen items, books, desk trays...stuff like that) and put them in the box.
I try to not forage through it each time I put in a new item to keep from digging things back out! Once it's in there it needs to stay put. I am very lucky that there are two or three charities that send me emails when they are going to be in my neighborhood. Once I receive one I label the box/bag and then put it out on my front porch to be picked up. This keeps me from keeping the stuff around and, as I mentioned, digging it back out.
I wish I had the get up and go to have a yard sale, but that thought always gets me in trouble. I stash stuff and say "WHEN I HAVE A YARD SALE I'LL GET RID OF IT...." and then that yard sale never happens. This way I get rid of a little at a time, I'm doing a little bit for charity, and I honestly don't have to work hard at all....great for Lazies like me!
Give it a try!
I have started a new habit that seriously seems to be working out fairly well. (I'm not good at maintaining good habits) I keep a bag or box in my basement at all times to collect giveaway stuff in. Clothing that doesn't fit seems to be the easiest to get rid of, but I will walk around the house and just pick up things that just aren't being used (kitchen items, books, desk trays...stuff like that) and put them in the box.
I try to not forage through it each time I put in a new item to keep from digging things back out! Once it's in there it needs to stay put. I am very lucky that there are two or three charities that send me emails when they are going to be in my neighborhood. Once I receive one I label the box/bag and then put it out on my front porch to be picked up. This keeps me from keeping the stuff around and, as I mentioned, digging it back out.
I wish I had the get up and go to have a yard sale, but that thought always gets me in trouble. I stash stuff and say "WHEN I HAVE A YARD SALE I'LL GET RID OF IT...." and then that yard sale never happens. This way I get rid of a little at a time, I'm doing a little bit for charity, and I honestly don't have to work hard at all....great for Lazies like me!
Give it a try!
Whit's Wit
A few years ago I got stabbed in the foot with a picture frame. No, it wasn't some crazy photographer - it was accidentally self-inflicted. Special note - NEVER store glass picture frames on the top shelf - EVER.
Anyway, after several weeks of doctor visits, they finally removed my stitches and what remained was a scar. My lovely little Stephanie's response to seeing it? "Oh, cool! At least we now have a way to IDENTIFY THE BODY".
Can't you just FEEL the LOVE?
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Whit's Wisdom
Couponing Tips!
I am, by no means, an expert at this, but I have been pretty lucky in finding those people (on the net) who are. Here are a few of the websites I use to save money on groceries, household cleaning items, personal care items, etc.
I check these websites two or three times A DAY for deals:
These are used for various products - not just groceries. Some of these are blogs - some are where tons of people share deals they have found.
For my weekly grocery deals I rely 95% on COUPONMOM.COM - this lady is amazing and has the easiest (for me) plan to follow. In addition, I like southernsavers.com. Again, totallytarget.com is a great source if you have a Super Target nearby.
I have learned that if I use too many websites I end up getting confused and frustrated. There are so many deals to be had out there and, fortunately or unfortunately, most of these websites will post the same deals with a different "spin" on how to purchase. I found myself reading ALL of the deals and getting so caught up in finding the BEST ONE that I just gave up for a while. In my opinion, find one or two people you feel comfy with and go with what they suggest. There is ALWAYS a better deal around the corner - but if you spend 20 hours saving $1, you aren't really making a profit, are you??
Don't get caught up in the AMAZING DEAL TRAP - I found myself buying EVERYTHING that was 75% or more off list price. Stuff I didn't need. Just because you can get it for a quarter doesn't mean you will USE IT. Also, there is always a deal somewhere....if you don't get that free tube of toothpaste today - you will get it in two weeks - stay calm. (These are all things I did when I started couponing {still do on some} and would love it if you could avoid the traps.
If you are shopping online (PERFECT WAY to do Christmas Shopping - avoid those malls!!) - ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS GOOGLE {store name} PROMO. For example, if you are purchasing something from Victorias Secret - I will google Victorias secret promo ---95% of the time you will find a promotion code for free shipping, 20-30-40% off, free 'stuff' with purchase. One great site I have found for promo codes is RETAILMENOT.COM - but don't limit yourself to this - there are some other good ones out there too.
Shopping online takes time - but you can comparison shop in your pajamas in your house instead of walking the mall or driving from store to store. I have save so much money by purchasing Christmas presents online. A good website to subscribe to right now is BLACKFRIDAY.COM - they will give you info on the in-store and online sales coming up after Thanksgiving. Don't forget CYBER MONDAY!
In regards to online surveys - I have had great success with PINECONE RESEARCH (you have to be invited to do this one but let me know and, when they send out requests I will send you one); MYPOINTS.com, MYSURVEY.COM, and SWAGBUCKS.COM. However, here is a list created by couponingtodisney.com lady which SHE finds to be reputable companies:
Ispos I-Say – Each point is equivalent to 10c ea. 50 points needed for $5 payment.
Lightspeed - Each point equivalent to 0.008c . You need 575 pts to receive a $5 Paypal payment. All surveys are 75 pts or more.
Mindfield - Surveys are in $ amounts. You need $5 or more to receive a Paypal payment.
My Points - Click on links in emails for points. Pays in gift cards. Over 70 to choose from. One is $10 CVS for 1450 pts. Each point is worth 0.006c.
My Survey – Each point is worth 10c. You need 1,000 pts to receive a $10 check.
Opinion Outpost – Each point is worth 10c. You need 50 points to qualify for a $5 Amazon.com GC.
Reward Port – Click on links in emails. You need 4500 to get $10 to Amazon.
Send Earnings – Click on links in emails. You need a $30 balance to receive payment. Receive $5 sign up bonus.
Survey Head - Pays in cash amounts. You need $25 to cash out. You get a $5 bonus for joining.
Survey Spot – No screeners today. You need 1,000 points to get a $10 Paypal payment.
Valued Opinions –
* A screener is when they ask you questions to see if you qualify for the paid survey.
Since I haven't used all of these, I won't say whether or not they are worth your time; however, I do trust Kristen from couponingtodisney.com - so you decide.
Finally, I collect coke rewards and enter them into mycokerewards.com. My husband brings home the 12 pack box tops from his work, AND we drink a LOT of Coke products around here, so this is pretty profitable for me. It's definitely worth checking into if you drink coke products.
I'm not going to give you step-by-step instructions on how to use these sites because the people who own them do a fantastic job of explaining their personal systems. If you need any help, though, I'm here for you! I love when people save money!!
Whit's Wit
If I ever decide to go into politics, I'm moving to California. There are so many Stars doing the wrong thing that it takes up to 10 years for the Paparazzi to work their way around to the politicians!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Whit's Wisdom
I really can't stand to start cooking and realize I am out of some necessary ingredient. Now the SMARTEST thing to do is (a) decide what you are cooking and then (b) make sure you have everything you need. But I'm not always the smartest cookie in the jar. And I absolutely despise running to the store for that missing ingredient - it's a huge pet peeve. Anyway, I ran across this list of substitutions one day and it has saved me several times. I hope it helps some of you too!!
Baking Substitutions
Baking chocolate, unsweetened (1 square) - 3 tablespoons baking cocoa + 1 tablespoon cooking oil
Baking powder (1 teaspoon) - 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar + 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
Brown sugar (1 cup) - 1 cup white sugar + 1 1/2 tablespoons molasses
Butter (1/4 cup) - 3 tablespoons cooking oil
Buttermilk (1 cup) - 1 cup plain yogurt OR 1 cup minus 1 tablespoon warm milk, plus 1 tablespoon vinegar or lemon juice (mix and let stand 5 minutes).
Cake or bread flour (1 cup) - 1 cup minus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour, stirred well with a fork.
Cornstarch (1 tablespoon) - 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
Eggs (1 whole) - 2 tablespoons oil + 1 teaspoon water
Heavy cream (1 cup) - Evaporated milk, or 3/4 cup whole milk + 1/3 cup melted butter
Lemon juice (1 teaspoon) - 1/2 teaspoon vinegar
Self rising flour (1 cup) - 1 cup all-purpose flour + 1 1/4 teaspoons baking powder + 1/4 teaspoon salt
Whit's Wit
Chin hair and acne on the same face. I don't know whether I am menopausal or going through puberty again!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Whit's Wit
Just Like a Man!
When Jake was a little puppy (not to say that he was ever physically little) he was a bit of a chewer. He started off small with flip flops and tennis shoes, and then worked his way up. Since I had never owned an inside dog before, I left it to my Husband to do all the disciplining. This is how it went:
Chew up flip flops -Bad Dog scolding
Chew up tennis shoes - stern Bad Dog scolding
Chew off side of kitchen table - a couple of stern Bad Dog scoldings and a very apparent cold shoulder
Chew off side of kitchen bench - repeat of above
Chew a GIANT HOLE in the kitchen linoleum - a 'how did you manage that??" lots of stern Bad Dog scoldings, very apparent frigid shoulder AND no belly rub.
Chew up the TV remote - and Jake spends the night locked outside.
Whit's Wisdom
Have rough, dry hands? Bake some Potatoes!
I wouldn't suggest doing this if you have a cut on your hand, though....ouch!
No, I have not lost my mind...yet. Yesterday I was baking potatoes and as I was preparing them I had this epiphany! I rub olive oil on the potatoes (with my bare hands) and then I cover them in kosher salt (again, using my hands.) As I was rinsing the oil and salt off of my hands I realized that it was just like a sugar scrub! So I turned off the water and spent a couple of minutes rubbing the oil and salt all over my hands, then rinsed them well with soap and water. They are sooooooo soft now! And I didn't even waste anything - it was all recycled material.
Who Knew?
Look at what I got in the mail yesterday:
It's a ToastaBag - free from Jarlesberg. We all know I order free stuff all the time online and I had totally forgotten about this one. Anyway, it is a quick, easy way to make a grilled cheese sandwich in your toaster! No muss - no fuss - no cleanup!! (well, you do have to rinse the bag out - but come on! It says it's even dishwasher safe - so there.)
I thought I would try it out and share with my readers (the process - not the sandwich). So here we go. I took the bag out of the envelope and read the directions as seen above. Here's the bag:
I put a piece of cheese in between two slices of bread, put the sandwich in the bag, and inserted it into the toaster. See?
I waited until the toaster popped - used that little handy bag handle to retrieve the bag (it wasn't hot at all, by the way) and removed my sandwich. See below:
Well, looky there! A grilled cheese sandwich! I have to admit I should have checked the setting on the toaster because it was turned all the way up (darned waffles) so it got a tad browner than I like - but the cheese was melted and it was toasted and there was NO MESS. I knocked the crumbs out of the bottom, rinsed the bag and stuck in the drain to dry. So simple!!
According to the instructions you can feel free to put all kinds of stuff in the bag with the cheese....like ham or bacon - yum! Since there was no butter needed it isn't as fattening either - always a plus in my book.
The free giveaway is over, but I found them online right here http://www.toastabags.com/- and it has a really cool commercial you can watch to show you what all you can do with the ToastaBag. I think if I still had small kids this would be great to have in the kitchen. I'd much rather my kid use a toaster than try to cook on the stove.
It's a pretty cool product if you ask me. Who Knew?
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Weigh Cool!
Can you say Paper Plate?
Your average paper plate is a tiny bit bigger than an average salad plate - and a LOT smaller than an average dinner plate. The smaller the surface, the less food it can hold. Yes, you can pile it high, but if you use a cheap paper plate that isn't a very smart idea, is it? Too much weight and your food will end up in the floor! (and then you'll have really fat dogs!)
If you see a full plate your brain may just make your stomach think that it is receiving a lot of food. I say that half the battle is making your stomach believe it is not hungry anymore. (The other 1/2 is getting those pesky taste-buds to hush up!) So give it a try - either purchase some small throw-away plates or just break out your salad plates for all of your meals. Fill it up once and don't go back for seconds!
Don't tell the recycling police, but I have to admit that title should say Styrofoam plate instead of paper. But the topic is not about saving the planet, it's about saving you some calories.
Whit's Wit
There once was a lady named Whit,
who dabbled at writing a bit.
though she tried to be clever,
her readers knew better,
"how much worse could she possibly git?"
Whit's Wisdom
Feeling a Little "Corny" Today
I finally found the secrets to grilling corn! At least it worked out wonderfully for me last night. Double up on the aluminum foil and coat the ears with Olive Oil!! (or to quote Rachel Ray EVOO). I just poured some EVOO in my hand and smeared it all over the corn and then wrapped it up in two sheets of aluminum foil. I put it directly on the grill at a temperature of somewhere between 350 - 400 degrees. I also flipped the corn every 5-7 minutes, cooking for about 30 minutes in total. When I unwrapped it the corn was a beautiful yellow without any burn marks and very plump. I added a little butter and salt and YUM-O!!
And speaking of corn, I've mentioned my corn holders before, but I thought I'd post a picture today. I use a wine cork to keep my corn holders together and keep them from poking me every time I rifle around in my junk drawer.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Weigh Cool!
This is for my college-age readers living in dorms. I received this email from (who else) HUNGRY GIRL this morning and thought about all of you young adults out there eating out and spending money and calories on things that probably aren't so good for you. Here's what HG suggests:
I've got plenty of recipes and ideas for you! All you need is a mini fridge and a microwave. In fact, some of these require no cooking whatsoever. Check 'em out... Egg-Mug Mania! - Most egg-mug recipes require just a few simple ingredients, a large coffee mug, nonstick spray, and a microwave. Check out the original mugs that started the phenomenon, and have some fun with these latest creations! To enjoy one on the way to class, just stuff it inside a high-fiber pita. (Take it OUT of the mug first!) Cold B-fast Bowls - I love chilly, layered breakfast bowls with lots of protein and fiber. Start with fat-free yogurt (I like vanilla) or fat-free cottage cheese (with a little no-calorie sweetener). Then add lots of fruit (fresh, packed in juice, or freeze-dried) and top it off with something sweet and crunchy, like a small handful of cereal or a few crushed low-fat graham crackers. YUM. Microwavable Meals - I'm not talking about frozen TV dinners. I'm talking about HG recipes that only require a microwave -- like the famous Neat-O Chili-Frito Burrito, this yum-azing Lettuce-Wrapped Reuben Dog, and this super-easy Lean-O Cioppino. Also, take a cue from these recipes and stock up on microwave-friendly foods like low-fat chili, low-calorie hot dogs, light soups, and pouched shelf-stable seafood. Speaking of pouched seafood, check out this awesome no-cook recipe for Salsa-fied Tuna Stacks! P.S. In the latest HG cookbook, Hungry Girl 300 Under 300, there's an entire chapter devoted to egg mugs and another packed with no-cook morning meals! Good luck... with the exams and the guilt-free eating! |
Whit's Wit
I Facebook, Tweet and Blog and yet my two best friends are still a sheltie and a labrador.
I think my social network is down.
Whit's Wisdom
Have you ever noticed how people tend to get sick late at night? Or maybe it just seems like that to me because I always seem to be out of whatever medication is needed when it's midnight or later. So I've decided to put together an emergency night kit and keep it separate from all the other medications and ONLY use it at night time if necessary.
My kit will include: heartburn/antacid/upset tummy relief, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, benadryl, bandaids, aloe vera, cough medicine/drops, feminine products, and a roll of toilet paper. This should take care everything from an upset stomach to any kind of 'ache' one might have. And it will keep me from having to run to the drugstore in the middle of the night. By writing the expiration date on the outside of the container/box, it will assist in rotating the stock so as to not let it expire without being used.
What kind of items would be in your nighttime emergency kit?
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Whit's Wit
A FB friend posted "I wish raising children came with an EASY button". So I ask ya' - What's so hard about using a corkscrew?
Some people are just lazy.
Whit's Wisdom
Recycle, Reuse, Repurpose, Redo!
I suppose since I mentioned butter dishes in my earlier post (see Wonderings and Ponderings), I should dedicate today to the usefulness of Redneck Tupperware. Everyone has it - they just don't know it. Every time you purchase butter tubs, cottage cheese, whipped cream, yogurt, party trays, chinese soup takeout - you are purchasing yet another piece of Redneck Tupperware.
Our world is filled with plastic containers! The sad thing is most folks throw them in the garbage (yeeeeikes!). I honestly grew up in a home where the was not one piece of real Tupperware or any facsimile thereof, but there was tons of leftovers in the refrigerator - so HOW did my Mom possibly do that??? Because she wasn't wasteful and she was smart! Why in the world would you throw away a perfectly good container? Because it has "Shedd's Spread" on the side? I think not!
If it has a lid on it, it gets used in this home! You can freeze sauces or soups in butter tubs, store leftovers in cool whip bowls, eat ice cream out of yogurt cups - the food possibilities are endless! Thinking outside the kitchen, you can store just about anything in a plastic container - pens, pins, tacks, nails, hair pins, ribbons, toys - need I continue? Party trays are fantastic for reusing as - well, party trays - or taking home leftovers from family dinners. When my girls have to take in snacks for school, I always send it in saved trays like this. We don't have to worry if it doesn't make it back home.
Wonderings and Ponderings
Sacrifice - It Just Feels Good!!
This morning as I was making my 100,000,001 sandwich for my Husband's lunch, I remembered when he first started working at his present job. I had been laid off in September, he got laid off in March or so, but we still went ahead with the decision that I would become a stay-at-home-mom. He started his new job in May, but the world he was used to had completely changed. He was at a more prestigious job, making more money, working with highly educated people...and he was taking his lunch to work now; something he rarely did prior to my leaving work. Now we were living on one salary, so even though he was making more - WE were making less.
I remember one day when a female co-worker jokingly mentioned his redneck Tupperware (a repurposed butter tub) and I simply wanted to either cut her guts out or crawl in the corner to cry. I mean, we weren't poor - but we are frugal and it just didn't seem sensible to pay good money for Tupperware when I had this perfectly good butter tub to use. And it also didn't seem reasonable to spend money on his lunch out when I was here to make his lunch for a bazillion times cheaper. But MY ego got in the way and I suggested that he start eating lunch out - that I didn't want his co-workers looking down on him.
He laughed at me - YEP - laughed right at me! It didn't bother him one bit what she said. He explained that it was a simple little joke (not funny!) and what did he care if she DID mean it? He was very proud of the fact that his Wife got up in the mornings and cared enough about him to make his lunch! He was proud that he could leave home and know that I was here to make sure our Daughters were taken care of - that I was available to them 24/7. He was happy to come home to a home-cooked dinner, that he didn't have to spend the weekends cleaning house and doing laundry.
Most important thing to me is that he is proud of himself for being able to take care of his family in the manner that we found most important. The fact that he is so willing to give up the little things (fancy car, eating out, a thousand cable channels, expensive vacations, etc.) allowed us to have a steady presence in our girls teenage years - the time when they certainly don't NEED you physically - but boy do they NEED you!
Here's my point - our Blessings far outweigh our Sacrifice. And this is only a small example of sacrificing. Some folks simply cannot follow our path - or even want to - and that is perfectly fine. This isn't about staying at home for your kids - this is about learning to sacrifice for whatever YOUR personal greater good is. And realizing that once you start making that change - once you give up something to earn something else - it truly feels GOOD! You start to have that personal pride knowing you are working towards a goal. What you are giving up is nothing compared to what you are gaining in return!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Whit's Wisdom
Ladies - it's Summertime - which means shorts and sundresses. Keep a disposable razor in your glove box or purse! One of the most irritating things for me is to be sitting in the car and look down and notice some crazy hairs on my knee that I accidentally missed. Have YOU ever tried to just yank them out? Not gonna happen....
I just read a frugal tip from someone online who states she carries "throw away clothes" on vacation trips...especially if she travels by air. She says she packs a few items just to run around in sightseeing or shopping and instead of bringing them home with her she disposes of them to have more room in her suitcase for the return flight home.
I understand that perhaps she wants to fill her suitcase with souvenirs for the return home, but I'm just not getting the frugality of throw-away clothing. (Although sometimes the thought of not washing/drying/folding makes the idea of paper clothes sound very intriguing!)
Friday, May 6, 2011
Weigh Cool!
Weigh NOT so cool today
I have to admit it - I had a weight crisis today. It wasn't so much what I was eating, but what I was thinking. And it's not nice - and it might even tick some of you off. But it also is the truth and it might help someone else...so I'm saying it anyway.
Today started with my eating a big, fat muffin. It wasn't low fat, it had oil and milk and eggs in it, it was super-sized and it was YUMMY. And that would have been ok, if I'd have stopped there. I had planned on eating a salad for lunch...but there was just enough leftovers for one more steak sandwich....yes, a greasy steak sandwich with cheese and - get this - french fried onions! And I also had one just the night before! And it was fattening and delicious. Ok, ok - so no big deal - I cheated - we all cheat - I'm always preaching to just get back on that horse and ride, Sally, ride! But not today.
Today I told myself I was jumping off Sally and jumping on the FAT TRAIN. Seriously. I am so tired of worrying about what I eat. I'm tired of controlling myself, sick of making good choices - and then looking at everyone around me having a great time eating whatever they want, whenever they want it! And I am NOT the Norm anymore. I'm a size 8. I'd speculate that the average woman is now a 14. So why do I care if I get bigger? I'll just be like everyone else. I could eat more, I could go out to eat and not look at the menu before I left the house to see what has the lowest calories and make sure I make a good decision. I was totally serious about it....I'm not kidding.
But then I took it to another level - I thought about all the other areas of my life that I have to use self control over - drinking alcohol, smoking, spending money frivolously...there are a ton of things that I would LOVE to do but have to control my urges because if I did them it would be horrible for me. Just like over-eating. It's not bad for me every once in a while, but it will be if I let down my guard. I don't want to be that person in the motorized wheelchair holding up the line. I don't want to be that woman who has to purchase two seats on a plane and suffer the embarrassment. I don't want to be that woman who can't look in the mirror and see someone she approves of staring back at her. I don't love everything about her, but I am proud of her for being different.
Whit's Wisdom
Time to Repurpose!
I really should wait to show you this once I get this area cleaned up - but that might not ever happen, so here we go. This is my winter accessories holder:
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