Monday, February 14, 2011

Whit's WHERE??

Anyone been missing me?  I'm in San Francisco, CA!  My husband had to travel to his SF office to interview some potential employees, and I decided to put on my Big Girl Panties and join him!  This is a HUGE deal for me because I am an incredibly timid person (yeah, one who is loud and talkative - but shy and timid - I'm a conundrum).  I haven't flown in 17 years and I have never left my children on their own.  Yeah, they have left me, but I've never traveled without them.  So taking this trip has been for me like someone else skydiving or climbing Mt. Everest - a TRULY MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE!

What I am enjoying the most is that I would rather get dressed and go out and explore this city - ALONE - than sit in this incredible hotel room (and it is INCREDIBLE) and blog or read Facebook!  Who knew???  So, after I finish up this last sentence, and eat the last chocolate covered strawberry that my Mother In Law had sent to the hotel for us (I know, I know!!) then I am getting dressed and going exploring!!!!  

Don't worry - I'm sure I'll drive you all crazy with my stories about San Francisco once I get back home!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to you!!! I hope you are finding the process of exploration all alone fun and exciting! YOU get to do what YOU want when YOU want to. Nice!!! Can't wait to hear about your trip. San Francisco is on my list of places to go!
