Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wonderings and Ponderings

I had the pleasure of seeing a couple of friends last night whom I haven't seen in 30 years.  There simply was not enough time to cover 30 years of life in a few short hours, so I finally asked each of them "What is the most amazing thing you have done?"  They both answered within thinking about it for a minute - just boom - here it is.

Luckily we got caught up discussing their adventures because I realized I had no answer for them if they were to turn the question back on me.  Oh, I'm not saying my life is boring or unworthy - it's just that I don't know what I would consider 'most amazing'.  Heck, I don't even know how I define most amazing.  Is it my biggest accomplishment?  Perhaps the most adventurous thing I have done? Is it meeting someone special?  Winning some contest?  Or is it that I just consider my life as one big amazement after another?  I simply don't know how to answer my own question.

Would you be able to answer this easily - or would you, too, have to wonder if you have even experienced your most amazing yet?

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