Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Whit's Wisdom

Learn to Read

I'm a reader.  I love to read.  I love to flip through magazines, read tips on the internet, I subscribe to both Facebook and Twitter, and of course, read mystery novels!  (I will read other types of work - but murder mystery is my thing.)

I wouldn't say I am a speed reader, but I have learned to 'skim' over the years.  For example, if the author is going on about how "the sky was azure blue and the birds were singing a sonata as the sun came to a rest on top of the mountains of Montana, and the waters rippled...." I read "blue sky, sun shining, mountains" got it.  I mean seriously, at one time I had small children a full time job and a husband - If I was going to get to read at all I had to learn to cut corners!

Problem is I think I learned TOO WELL to leave out inconsequential words and lately that has come back to bite me in the wazoo!  (look it up).  I recently realized that I had no been credited for a return for a computer virus protector.  We're talking $90 - not something I'm willing to just write off.  So I found my confirmation email from the company, re-READ it and then replied to asking where my refund was.  And then I patiently waited five days - and they STILL haven't replied!  hmpf, right?  WRONG.  Somewhere hidden in all the legal mumbo jumbo there is a line that states:  Do not reply to this email.  Granted, that is STUPID, but it was pretty dumb of me - the Reader - not to have noticed that.  It wasn't hidden....I just skimmed over it.

My Mom honestly thought she was losing her memory because of her lack-of-reading habit recently.  She told me about a sale "next Monday".  She then said "you know, Memorial Day".  I told her that Memorial Day was the following Monday, so that's the day we went to the sale....but there was no sale...it had been the Monday before...just like she originally stated.  But because she didn't READ the entire flyer - she second guessed herself.  In this case it was really no big deal - except for the fact that she was clearly upset that her memory was bad.  Her memory is FINE - her READING is BAD.

I'm not going to change my hobby reading habits - but I am definitely going to start reading each and every word when it comes to the important things (like money!).  I just need to slow down and pay attention.  It might be profitable for us in the long run!!

Is this something YOU are guilty of?  Might want to slow down and see what you are missing.  

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