Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Whit's Wisdom


Highest Regular Gas Price reported in Metro Atlanta today:  $3.99 (Chevron, Marrietta, GA)

Ok, friends - it's time to make a plan and work the plan!  Chances are great that gas prices are going to be going higher and higher.  Back in early 2005, when gas prices were outrageous and my Husband and I were both working outside the home, we were spending over $600 in gasoline a month!   I learned then that "nice Sunday drives" were a thing of the past!!  It was actually very serendipitous when I got laid-off because of the high fuel costs.  (But that's another story....)

It is in your best interest to start consolidating your trips and planning your route.  I decide what day of the week I am going to run my errands and where all I need to go.  I try my best to do it all in one day.  I map out where I need to go and plan my drive accordingly.  No back-tracking for this girl!  If I forget something, I either do without, or will ask my Husband to pick it up ONLY IF it is on his way home.  I don't let the car warm up in the mornings.  (Believe me, this is BIG - I don't like to be cold!!)  I don't sit with it running if I am waiting on my daughter at school.    I will avoid drive-through windows as well... if there is a long line.  (I'm not perfect!)

If you work outside of the home, it might be time to find someone you can carpool with or perhaps start touting the advantages of working from home to the Management of your company.    I have suggested this to my Husband.  I think 4 days in - 1 day at home on a rotation schedule would be an excellent idea....but I'm not in charge.  Regardless, it wouldn't hurt to at least suggest it if this is something your work might allow. 

Also, see if you and your family are making unnecessary trips that another family member could do.  My Husband travels in one direction - my Daughter in another.  I try to 'use' them as much as possible while they are out and about anyway.  No sense in my firing up my van when they are already out.

Just put a little thought into this and I'm sure you can cut your gasoline expenses a good bit!  As a matter of fact, keep a journal of what you are spending - you'll be surprised at the savings!