Thursday, March 31, 2011

Whit's Wisdom

Change those Air Filters!

When I moved into my house I was a single Mom with no clue about home owning.  I inherited my Grand Parents home, which my Parents had been maintaining for my Grandmother for several years.  I'd been here about 6 months and my Daddy came to help me move something in the basement and asked why I had so many air filters left.  They had purchased a dozen....and there was a dozen left.  I replied "What filters?  Oh.  What are they for?"  Once he got all the dust off of him (from pulling out the horrible looking filter) he explained the importance of it to me.  Here's the Wiki version:  

A particulate air filter is a device composed of fibrous materials which removes solid particulates such as dust, pollen, mold, and bacteria from the air. A chemical air filter consists of an absorbent or catalyst for the removal of airborne molecular contaminants such as volatile organic compounds or ozone. Air filters are used in applications where air quality is important, notably in building ventilation systems and in engines.

Got it?  Well, here's the part he told me that made more of an impact - if you have a clogged filter, your air conditioner/furnace is having to work harder (more electricity) to filter out the bad stuff and it is COSTING YOU A LOT MORE MONEY.  That' got my attention.

So, change that filter!  You can purchase the cheap once-a-month kind or go for the high end 3-6 month kind that cost a ton but supposedly filter out more bad stuff AND you don't have to change it as often. I go with a once-a-month plan.  I put a little note on the calendar and keep a stash in the basement next to the furnace. 
As an extra bonus - if your filter is clean your house is less dusty! Less dust/pollen/pollutants means healthier family!  Healthier family means less doctor visits!  Win/Win/Win/Win!!!

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