Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Who Knew?

Finally, something older than ME!!

Eggo Waffles were created in the 1930's by three brothers Tony, Sam and Nate Dorsa.  The product was introduced throughout the US in supermarkets in 1953.  This breakfast favorite was originally called a froffle-a portmanteau of frozen waffles, but the "eggy" taste soon has the public nicknaming them Eggos.  In 1955 the name was officially changed to the now famous Eggo. 

In the 1970's Kellogg's purchased the Eggo brand and came up with that famous advertising slogan "Leggo My Eggo".  As of 2009, Eggo held 73% of the waffle market in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

Happy 75th Birthday Eggo!!  For more information on the history of waffles, please visit this website:,8599,1941724,00.html