Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Whit's Wisdom

PERFECT Failure?

A lot of the reason I am who I am is because I'm a Stay-At-Home-Mom to two adults and one teenager.  (Yes, I included my Husband in that!)  See, I had my first job at 13 and had been employed outside the home until I turned 40.  Then all of a sudden I was at home - no income - taking care of kids who needed my guidance and my van, but not so much my help to survive.  So I started trying to be a PERFECT Wife and Mother.  And Housekeeper.  And Landscaper.  And Recycler.  And Cook.  And Money-Saver. 

And all I became was a PERFECT Failure.  After the first year I stopped wiping down my kitchen each and every morning.....and ironing my husband's shirts...and making my kids beds and cleaning their rooms.  By the second year I had stopped writing down every purchase we made and only checked our banking statements once a week.  By the third year I stopped making homemade waffles and fixing my daughters breakfast and lunch everyday.  Years four and five are just a blur because I quit mowing the grass and found Facebook.  

I'm now in my sixth year of being home - and I've failed at everything.  Know what?  Not one person noticed.  Hubby irons his own clothes if he necessary.  Daughters fix their own breakfasts and lunches.  I hired my Daughter to mow the lawn.  They PREFER store bought waffles.  I clip coupons but it is OK to go to the store WITHOUT ONE!  (ssshhhh.....)  I monitor our bank accounts but only two/three times a month now.  My house is sanitary - it's not clean and it won't ever be until I have no kids and no it won't ever be clean.  I recycle but have been known to get sick of it and throw paper and plastic in the garbage JUST BECAUSE I COULD.  I make my family eat LEFTOVERS sometimes.  And on Fridays - I DON'T COOK.

I have Perfected the art of Failing....and it feels GREAT!