Thursday, March 3, 2011

Who Knew?

We turn on the television each night and hear about our celebrities doing some really rotten and crazy things.  (Have I mentioned Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan recently??) Whatever their motives, whatever their illnesses, it is still upsetting that we can't seem to find a good role model for our youth.

Enter BETTY WHITE.  I just watched the most precious interview that she did with Jay Leno.  In it she explains why she turned down a part in the movie As Good as it Gets with Jack Nicholson.  In her words "I turned that one down, and for a very good reason."  She goes on to explain how, in the film, a man walks down a hallway and throws a little dog down the laundry chute.  She said the dog lands on the laundry and is fine, but she didn't know what kid might think "oh, I can throw a dog down a chute..." and she didn't want to be associated with something like that.  The film went on to be huge and I'm sure she lost out on big bucks.  But she didn't compromise her beliefs.

That, my friends, is morale integrity and a fantastic role model in my book.

Here is the link to the interview - I encourage you to watch the entire clip, but this story is located about 1:55 into the interview.

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