Monday, March 7, 2011

Whit's Wisdom

I love to use things in ways that are different than what they were created to do!  My kids always say I look at items for what they can BECOME - not for what they are.  I think they get a bit irritated at me until I have some awesome idea and then they appreciate my idiosyncrasies.

I'm going to try to feature a couple of 're-purposed' items once a week under Whit's Wisdom.  Let me know if you have anything you'd like to share - I welcome any and all new ideas!!!

Wine Rack = Towel Rack

My Mother gave me an accordion type wine rack a few years ago.  Seeing as how wine doesn't last long enough around here to be stored, I decided to hang the rack on the wall in my kitchen.  I then rolled up small kitchen towels and stuck them in each wine slot.  Voila!  I now had an easy to access, decorative kitchen towel holder.  It worked out wonderfully! 

Laundry Sorter = Recycling Bin

I needed some easy-to-carry bins for my recycling.  I also needed them to be inexpensive!  I ran across these plastic laundry sorters at Ikea for $3 each!! 

A little paint and some creativity and THIS is what I ended up with:

They work perfectly for my recycling!