Wednesday, March 2, 2011


It was a little weird when the Jelly Belly Candy Company introduced their "Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans" in some very unusual "EARWAX, DIRT, BOOGER, ROTTEN EGG, SARDINE, BLACK PEPPER and VOMIT" flavors. But it correlated with the Harry Potter stories and we knew they were not really made out of vomit, earwax, dirt, etc. It was a clever little gimmick to make kids (of all ages, I must add) very happy.

Today I read a story that, again, I first believed had to be a gimmick. Boy was I wrong!


LONDON (Reuters) – A specialist ice cream parlor plans to serve up breast milk ice cream and says people should think of it as an organic, free-range treat.
The breast milk concoction, called the "Baby Gaga," will be available from Friday at the Icecreamists restaurant in London's Covent Garden.

Yes, folks, real breast milk pumped from real breasts.  15 sets to be exact.  The article states that women donated the milk after seeing their advertisement.  Further down in the article, however, one woman claims it's a "recession beater -what's the harm in using my assets for a bit of extra cash."  So I guess the term donate is used a bit differently in the UK.

You know, in it's own strange way, this is actually great motivation for so many different groups.  The Breastfeeding Community believes this will make others want to breastfeed because of it's yummy taste(??).  The Organic Activists will love the all-natural products minus the chemicals and pesticides, and the Entrepreneurs of the world can begin experimenting with other bodily fluids to be sold for consumption.  

In all seriousness, there was a follow up story from the Associated Press on February 28, 2011 that stated: 

LONDON (AP) -- Local government officials said Monday they have confiscated ice cream made with human breast milk from a London shop amid concerns the dessert is unsafe....
Although a ruling has not yet been determined, there is still a chance that sanity will prevail. 

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