Friday, March 11, 2011

Whit's Wisdom

Whether you work outside home or work in the home, no one should spend the entire weekend cleaning house and doing laundry! There are a number of chores that I feel absolutely have to be done each week.  I don't do them all in one day but spread them out throughout the week so I don't get burned out.  I also try not to deviate from my set schedule.  For example, I wash clothes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Unless we have a crisis, I REFUSE to wash clothes any other days but these.  I change sheets on Monday because it coincides with a laundry day.  I vacuum and clean bathrooms on Friday because I like to have a clean house on the weekend in case someone pops in unexpectedly. I 'swish and swipe' the bathroom daily so that Friday's bathroom clean up is super easy.

I also keep a list of my daily chores handy so that I can mark them off as they get completed.  I do this just to prove to myself that I AM accomplishing something!  Sometimes we don't give ourselves credit for all that we do.  If you start with a full list on Monday and it is all crossed off on Friday evening, it gives you a sense of accomplishment AND a free pass for a relaxing weekend!!  Keep those off days as chore-free as possible - all work and no play makes YOU a GRUMP!