Monday, April 25, 2011

Weigh Cool!

Have your pity-party - and THEN GET OVER IT!

I got on the scales this morning - yes, my weigh in day is Monday.  After I picked up the scales from across the room, I decided I might want to rethink my weigh day....maybe Tuesday would be easier on my ego.  Regardless, I got on the scales and was NOT happy.  Not that it was unexpected - I ate out a lot this month, I've celebrated my Birthday and Easter, I've eaten chocolate and french fries (not together - all the time anyway) and I have just basically pretended I had good sense.  And the scales proved me wrong.

So, I got sad, I got mad, I got pouty....and then I had to get over it!  I can't let a few pounds put me into a depression, because if I do - I will EAT and DRINK but not be Merry!  I have to pick myself up, dust off my Hungry Girl cookbooks and get back up on that horse (not eat like one!)  It's not like I'm new at this.  I know exactly what I did wrong and exactly how to fix it.  

If you are feeling like me today - heed my advice.  Don't let a little mistake give you permission to continue down that road of self-destruction.  Today is the day to start all over again!

To lighten your mood and motivate you to exercise, I've attached a wonderful workout video for you.  Make sure you watch it - I think you will be VERY surprised and I guarantee that you will smile!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Whitney,

    The video of Jesse was HILARIOUS! I had a Jack Russell Terrier and it so reminded me of her.

    I love that your post talked about not continuing down the road of self-destruction. I lost 76 pounds and 20 have found their way back. Because I thought I could go back to doing what I had done. DUH! How did I gain those 76 pounds in the first place? Not by eating carrots and drinking water!

    It takes diligence and focus, and you have both. Keep up the good work and remember to be mindful when you eat.

    My weight watchers leader once told me that nothing tastes as good as the first bite, so if you have to have something allow yourself one bite.

    Thank you for visiting my blog and sharing your support!

