Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Weigh Cool!

Keep your friends close  - and your Low Calorie snacks CLOSER!

I'm having an emotional day.  I mean a slap-dab-cry-my-eyes-out kind of day.  To completely spell it out - I'm having an I WANT COMFORT FOOD NOW kind of day.  Get the picture?

If I had cake and chips and ice cream in my house it would all be gone by now.  I simply can't keep the bad stuff around because of days like today.  I normally have willpower over most food - but when I am down I really want to just woller in self-pity and for some reason food just makes it all seem better...for about two minutes.  And then I have to eat something else.  And, just like with drugs and alcohol, sooner or later the effects wear off and you are feeling fat, and greasy and ashamed....and your problem is still there.  Plus you now have that self-loathing to go along with your worry and pain.

It is really a good (no GREAT) idea to keep some low calorie/high fiber foods handy in your cupboards for just this reason.  The smartest thing for me to do would be to exercise.  I know that it would clear my head and at least take my mind off of things for a bit.  Or perhaps getting dressed and running errands would be good.  But right now I am having the good old pity party and am just not ready to do the right thing.  (At least I'm honest.)  So, I'm going to eat some tuna salad and maybe a few sun chips - and then maybe finish it off with some LF chocolate pudding.  I might even go so far as some frozen yogurt.  I also have some Fiber One Bars handy if I can't control myself.  And there is always popcorn!  I have surrounded myself with enough of the good stuff that, even if I over do it, it won't be like raiding the candy jar or eating an entire tub of ice cream.

We are all going to have down days, and they are going to hit unexpectedly (like mine did).  Just because you normally have the willpower to say no to those cookies you keep for your kids doesn't mean you are invincible!   Be Prepared!

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