Friday, April 29, 2011

Weigh Cool!


We all know that walking is the easiest, most inexpensive form of exercise on the planet.  Most of us are blessed enough to be able to put one foot in front of the other and move to where ever we want to go.  And it IS a blessing...just ask someone who's in a wheelchair.  But most of us (pick me, pick me!) don't appreciate it enough to take advantage of this blessing.

It's so easy to do too.  You don't have to walk on a track or walk on a treadmill.  You don't have to put on fancy workout clothes or buy weights or gym memberships.  All you need is the ability to walk - and the desire to do something besides sit.  You can stand in front of your TV and walk in place.  You can walk around the interior or exterior of your home.  You can walk to your mailbox - walk to the store - walk around in circles!  

One thing I learned to do when my kids started doing activities that didn't require my immediate supervision was  to take advantage of that time by walking.  When they were cheerleaders I would stay at the park during practices, but I would walk around the parking lot instead of sitting there in my lawn chair watching.  Considering they practiced three/four times a week I got in a lot of exercise time!  Once they were old enough to hang out at the mall with friends-but too young to be left alone at the mall, I started mall-walking.  I would pack a snack (food courts are way to tempting) and walk the floors of the mall, in one store and out another, to get my exercise.  If I didn't carry money with me I didn't have to worry about impulse spending either!

Why not try to find some missed opportunities in your daily routine to throw in a little walk time? Every step you take puts you one step closer to a healthier lifestyle.

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