Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Who Knew?

If you read my Whit's Wit today, you now know that I drool.  I'm not talking an occasional saliva spillage when I'm sick.  I'm screaming full out tidal waves every night!  It is uncomfortable and incredibly embarrassing.  So I did a little research as to the WHY and HOW to stop drool.

It appears the why is simple.  One who drools is sleeping with his mouth open.  Saliva is continuously flowing through your mouth (although less than during the day, it is still needed to keep you mouth moist) and as it collects it pools and overflows.

The how to stop it isn't so simple.  I viewed approximately 10 web pages claiming they could help me stop drooling, and all of them said the same thing:

1.  You might have a nasal blockage or sinus congestion which is forcing you to breathe through your mouth.  You might want to take some medicine or go see a Doctor.
2.  Breathe through your nose.  (See step 1 if you can't.)  Practice throughout the day breathing through your nose to get into the habit.  
3.  Sleep on your back.  

This is what I concluded:  WHO KNEW that 10 websites could be so USELESS?  I already knew this! Who doesn't know this??  Of course I'm sleeping with my mouth open - and it's probably because I'm congested and obviously if I sleep on my back the drool will not come out but puddle in my throat and choke me.  But I guess I won't be embarrassed by drool when they cart my dead body away.

I'll just keep turning the pillow over....I like the cool side anyway.

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