Monday, April 25, 2011

Whit's Wisdom

A few years back I had a target painted on the back of my van.  Oh, ok, not really - but I swear everyone thought so because my van was wrecked three times in six months.  None of the wrecks were my fault, and one of them was really horrible and totaled the van.  Luckily no one was physically hurt, but I walked away with a heck of an emotional problem.  I have car/driving/wrecking anxiety.  No clue what to call it, but just imagine being afraid of riding in a car.  It's a pain in the butt for everyone.  I tend to drive most places myself (as apposed to riding with others) because I feel more in control.  But I don't drive on the expressways at all anymore, and riding with someone else usually makes me, and whoever I'm 'backseat' driving with, anxious and irritable.

Well, yesterday we stumbled upon a nice little solution (hopefully not just temporary) for expressway trips.  TRIVIA!  We traveled back and forth to my Niece's home yesterday and I was a bit nervous on the way down.  However, I had taken some Trivial Pursuit cards to play at her home, but we never got around to it.  So I started reading them in the car on the way home.  My Husband and Daughter both seemed to enjoy it, and before I knew it, we were home!  I was completely focused on the questions and the good time we were having, and forgot to be scared.  It was quite wonderful.  (I think I might have just learned a few things too!)

If you have a similar issue, give it a try.  I purchased the game cards at a thrift store for $2.  It came with hundreds of cards, so I think this set will last us through several trips!

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