Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Whit's Wisdom

I'm sure I've mentioned this before...but it's listen up!

When I look at my grocery receipts each week I cringe - and I even coupon and shop the sales!  But feeding five people breakfast, lunch and dinner (plus snacks!) can be expensive.  I have a lot of trouble purchasing meats too - because the prices seem outrageous.  Out of season fresh fruits and vegetables?  That will send me into a tailspin!  And since I TRY to feed my family healthier, low-calorie, low-fat products - I have to spend even more!  (Why is it breaded chicken patties cost less than grilled chicken patties?????)

Here's the thing, though....I could buy five of the thickest sirloins for full price, five giant baked potatoes, off-season asparagus, real butter and a baguette (gotta have the baguette!) and STILL spend less money than going out to eat!  I always seem to forget that.  It IS expensive to buy groceries, but it is a heck of a lot cheaper than eating all of your meals outside the home.  So even if you buy top of the line products, at full price -  without coupons, you are still making a better choice.

Oh, I know there are those days you just do not want to cook - but that's why God made frozen pizzas....right?  Seriously, with all the money you are saving by cooking in, you should be able to eat out occasionally and make it a special, relaxing meal. 

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