Thursday, April 7, 2011

Whit's Wit

All of my pets have had an above average intelligence, but my cat, Trinity, surpassed all of them one summer afternoon several years ago.

It was a flaming, hot July afternoon and I walked out onto my carport to put some things away.  Trinity, lying in the shade, looked up at me and stated "mit's hooooooot" which I replied "you're is Hot!"....

TRUE STORY.  (and it's not nice to judge people....)

He also said Momma.


  1. Cats are scarily smart! We had a mean cat named Jaws-I had her before I had kids-Katie even asked me one time when she was about 5 years old, "Why don't we get rid of Jaws and get a NICE cat?" Anyway, one time Jaws was standing at the top of the stairs, with her back to me as I was coming up the stairs..I had the genius idea to scare her-I snuck up behind her, and said "BOO!" in her ear..she whirled around & punched me in the eye with the ball of her foot, and I seriously had a black eye for a couple days!! How freakin embarrassing to have to tell people "I snuck up on my cat & she punched me in the eye..." If she had had her claws extended, I would be blind!! =0 And she was proud of herself..never apologized...bitch...anyway, I believe you had a sweet cat who talked to you =)
