Friday, April 15, 2011

Whit's WOW!

I have come across two fantastic tips this morning and just have to share!  The first one came from a website called TIPHERO and was submitted by one of their followers:
Re-use for a shower curtain: paired with an old umbrella, a shower liner makes a great dressing room area when you're in the woods. To make it, open the umbrella and hang it by the handle from a tree limb (upside down) a bit higher than your head. Now hook the shower liner on the wire nubs along the perimeter of the umbrella. The pre-made holes on the curtain will line up perfectly with the wires of the umbrella.
Isn't that clever??  I can totally see using that in a home too.  Put a hook in your ceiling and use it to hold the umbrella.  It would work great in a kids bedroom for when friends spend the night.  There is always that bashful age when undressing in front of others is embarrassing. 
The second tip comes from Living on a Dime and I would have never thought of this in a million years. 
Disposable Diapers in the Garden!
Where I live, it gets very hot in the summer. My deck doesn’t have any shade and some of my plants needed to be watered twice a day. I was going to buy the granules that hold water from the garden center. A small container of the water granules was $25!
Even though I really needed it to keep my plants going this summer, I just couldn’t come to bring myself to pay that much. One day, I was thinking about it as I was changing my son’s diaper. Then it dawned on me! The same stuff is in baby diapers!!!
I tore open the center of a diaper and scooped out all the cotton with the granules in it into a bowl. Out of curiosity I wanted to see just how much water it would hold. I was hoping for two cups. It held NINE cups of water! That means I could use this stuff in 3-5 containers of plants, depending on the size. I can get diapers for .20 each so the cost isn’t huge.

Remember, Always Think Outside the Box!
P. S. We had a question about the safety of using these in your pots. I personally don’t have a problem with it. I didn’t use these in my vegetable plants only flowers. Use your own judgment regarding whether or not you want to use them with vegetables. 

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