Thursday, April 21, 2011

Weigh Cool!


 I repeat: "I HATE to exercise!"  But I LOOOOVE to dance!  I grew up taking dance lessons and loved every single minute of it.  And once I was old enough, I loved to go clubbing and dance the night away.  But then I got married, had kids, and well, you know how that goes.  Every time I would start to dance my kids would roll their little eyes back in their little heads and say "MOOOOOOM....that's so embarrassing!"  And I would stop.

But now they are oh-so-much-older and now I could oh-so-not-care if I embarrass them.  If I could go out dancing tomorrow and the day after and the day after that I would.  Alas, my Husband is NOT a groove-master and I really don't want to go without him.  So I do the next best thing - I put on my earphones - plug up my mp3 player with some fabulous tunes - and I shake it like I have good sense!  I usually do this while cleaning house - kills two birds with one stone.  I dance, I sing (really loud - ask my kids) and I clean.  It gets my heart pumping and gives me plenty of exercise.  

It also raises my spirits!  I really get tired of doing the same darn thing every day only to see things get dirty as fast as I clean.  But when I get lost in some of my old tunes, well, it is simply impossible not to dance around....and that releases those good endorphins everyone always talks about.

Give it a whirl - I think you'll be glad you did!

Here's a little "Shake Your Groove Thing"  courtesy of Peaches and Herb

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