Monday, April 18, 2011

Weigh Cool!

Weigh Day....Weigh Day!

Pick a day of the week to weigh in on, and stick with it!  You need to weigh once a week and around the same time of day each week.  You can decide which is best for you, but be consistent.  If you weigh in the morning, then ALWAYS weigh in the morning.  You want to be able to compare apples to apples, and it is a fact that your weight shifts during the day based on what you eat or drink. 

Do you need something to keep you from eating a lot on the weekends?  Choose a Monday Morning weigh in.  Knowing that you have to weigh first thing Monday might just make you put down that second Margarita on Saturday night.  Some people would rather weigh on a Thursday or Friday so they can stay motivated and stay away from the weekend binges.  If you've had a great weigh-in on Thursday you are going to be motivated to stay away from that Friday night buffet, right?  Wednesday's are sometimes chosen because it's a mid-week check in - kind of giving you the best of both worlds.  It really is your days is seven doesn't really matter when you choose, but just stick to it.  As we all know, the number on the scale is just a number - it's not a label to say you are FAT or you are SKINNY, but it does help you judge your progress and keep you in check.  Don't let it rule your world...but allow it to assist in your long term goal.

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